
  • 网络low-carbon electricity
  1. 综合资源战略规划与智能电网构成低碳电力。

    Integrated Resource Strategic Planning ( IRSP ) and Smart Grid consist of Low-Carbon Electricity .

  2. 由于气候政策要求可靠的低碳电力供应,许多发达国家政府都逐渐认同了将核能纳入本国未来能源组合的必要性。

    With climate policies demanding reliable low-carbon electricity , many governments in developed nations came to accept the need for nuclear as part of their future energy mix .

  3. 一项有望提供一种重要低碳电力来源的技术将丧失公众的信任。

    A technology that promised to provide a significant source of carbon-free power will have lost public trust .

  4. 此类低碳电力项目结合二氧化碳采集和存储技术,利用天然气、化焦碳或者煤等化石燃料发电。

    Such low carbon power projects use fossil fuels such as natural gas , petroleum coke or coal for power generation combined with carbon dioxide capture and storage technology .

  5. 新的清洁能源基金将为推广低碳电力和运输技术以及提高建筑、工业和农业的能源使用效率提供52亿美元的资助。

    The new Clean Technology Fund will provide $ 5.2 billion in funding for scaling up low-carbon power and transport technologies and energy efficiency in buildings , industry , and agriculture .

  6. 其中,低碳的电力主要有核电、水电、风电、太阳能光伏与热发电、生物质能发电等。

    Low-carbon electricity mainly consists of nuclear power , hydropower , wind power , solar photovoltaic and thermal power generation , biomass power generation .

  7. 全面转向低碳和零碳电力技术(特别是风力、太阳能、地热、水力、核能以及碳捕获与封存技术);

    a pervasive shift to low-carbon and zero-carbon electricity ( notably wind , solar , geothermal , hydro , nuclear , and CCS ) ;

  8. 世行估计,要在全世界范围内实现低碳经济,光电力部门本身每年就将至少需要300亿美元的投资。

    Worldwide , the Bank estimates the power sector alone needs at least US $ 30 billion a year to move to a lower carbon economy .

  9. 我们将进入一个低碳经济、低碳能源、以及低碳电力的时代,这也对我国经济发展提出了严峻挑战。

    A low-carbon electricity model , Integrated Resource Strategic Planning , has been used to meet the challenge .