
xīn línɡ měi
  • Spiritual beauty;have a beautiful heart
  1. 心灵美、自然美与意境

    The Relationship of the Beauty between the Mind , Nature and Images

  2. 眼睛美,心灵美,也不及你的节日美;

    Beauty , beautiful eyes , are not you of festival beauty .

  3. 真正的审美与心灵美是不可分的。

    A truly elegant taste is generally accompanied with excellency of heart .

  4. 人类心灵美的永恒颂歌

    The Eternal Praises of the Beauty of Man 's Soul

  5. 我用自然美洁净你,你用心灵美呵护我。

    I use the natural beauty clean you , you care my mind .

  6. 音乐教学与学生的心灵美塑造

    Music Education and Building up Students ' Nobility

  7. 外表美好办,心灵美难能。

    Body is sooner dressed than the soul .

  8. 心灵美才是最重要的。

    It is inner beauty that really matters .

  9. 这样的欣赏教学给学生更多是心灵美的追求,精神美的升华。

    Such enjoy teaching bring more pursuit of spirit and mental exaltation for Students .

  10. 心灵美才是真正的美。心灵就会恢复到纯朴的高尚状态。

    Virtue is true beauty . The soul will recover the noble attitude of simplicity .

  11. 女人有三美:形象美,语言美,心灵美。

    Woman has three radiances : Beautiful image ; Speak kindly ; Beautiful caring heart .

  12. 不仅外在美,而且心灵美。

    He ( She ) has not only beautiful appearance , but also inner beauty .

  13. 你过去关注更多的是心灵美,而不是外表美。

    The soul is the spirit of the United States about the United States and behavior .

  14. 同学们,我们不光要做外表美的人,也要做心灵美的人。

    Students , and we do not only look beautiful people have to do soul beauty .

  15. 心灵美不是每个外表美的人都能做到的。

    Not everyone minds the appearance of the United States and the United States can do .

  16. 心灵美,语言美,行为美,环境美

    beauty of the mind , beauty of the language , beauty of the behavior , beauty of the environment

  17. 它是一个动态的概念,具有不同的特性,它的基础是健康的身躯和心灵美的有机结合;

    It is a dynamic concept with different features , which lays on the basis of combining organically healthy body oeth noble mind .

  18. 电视剧《寻常人家》是一曲爱情的绝唱,是普通劳动者人性美、心灵美的颂歌。

    The TV drama " An Ordinary Family " is a poetic masterpiece of love as well as an ode to the human nature and heart of ordinary labourers .

  19. 在这本书中,两名妇女都应该与他们的美德,沉着的痛苦和悲伤时,从痛苦的吸引力,当然与他们的心灵美。

    In this book , two women are supposed to be attractive with their virtues , composedness when suffering from pain and sadness , and of course with their beauty in soul .

  20. 美育可陶冶人的道德情操,可以开发人的智力和创造力,可以促进人们对心灵美和形体美的追求,促进人的全面完美的发展。

    The aesthetic education may influence human 's moral sentiment , may develop human 's intelligence and the creativity , may promote the people to pursue the mind and the physique beauty , promote human 's comprehensive and perfect development .

  21. 口语审美化教学应该遵循主体性原则、语言美和心灵美统一的原则、情感性原则、个性特征原则、直觉思维原则和综合性原则。

    The esthetical teaching of spoken language should follow the subjectivity principle , the consistent principle of beautiful language and the beautiful soul , the emotional principle , the individuality principle , the intuition principle , as well as the comprehensive principle .

  22. 在美育方面,主要从美育的内容和美育的方法为切入点,其中美育的内容是塑造的英雄人物的外形美和心灵美,以及《玛纳斯》的悲剧美艺术效果。

    In aesthetic education aspect , the content and method of aesthetic education as the point of penetration , the content of the aesthetic education is to shaping beauty of appearance and heart of heroic figures , and tragic beauty in artist effect of Manas .

  23. 本文从体育与人体美,体育与心灵美,体育与社会美,体育与艺术美等角度探讨了体育与美学的关系,以及美学理论对体育运动的指导作用。

    This article inquired into the relationship between physical education and aesthetics from the physical education with the beauty of human body . spirit , society , art and so on . It also inquired into the leading function of aesthetics theory with the physical sports .

  24. 本文从体育与美学关系入手,剖析体育舞蹈美学价值,提出体育舞蹈教学要在美的情境中开展,教学过程应贯穿心灵美教育。

    In this paper , the aesthetic values of sport dance were analyzed , depending on the relationship , between physical education and aesthetic education . It 's suggested that sport dance teaching should carry out in aesthetic situation , and teaching program should go through aesthetic education .

  25. 心灵最美是世界和平中华绿色共和生活。

    Mind is the world 's most beautiful green Republican .

  26. 所结识的朋友心灵最美。

    The soul of a friend we 've made .

  27. 爱是心灵之美。

    Love is the beauty of soul .

  28. 优雅的情趣与心灵之美不可分。英国诗人济慈

    A truly elegant taste is generally accompanied with excellence of heart . & John Keats . British poet

  29. 如果一个女人的心灵很美,那么长得漂亮一点儿就不是什么了不得的缺陷。

    If a woman has a beautiful mind , there won 't be much of a defect in her beautiful face .

  30. 这可以从形体与色彩之美、声韵与语言之美、智慧与心灵之美等四个方面来说明。

    E. aesthetic objects of different shapes and colors , of rhyme and language , and of wisdom and human mind .