
  • 网络cardiac pump function
  1. 大鼠心泵功能的测定与评价

    The Measurement and Evaluation of the Cardiac Pump Function in Rats

  2. 食物蛋白含量对心肌梗塞后心肌肥大和心泵功能恢复的影响

    The effects of diet protein on myocardial hypertrophy and cardiac pump function after myocardial infarction ( mi ) in eats

  3. 结论:在一定的海拔高度内,低氧环境可导致人体心泵功能和STI某种程度的变化;

    Conclusions : To the certain extent height , hypoxia of environment may lead to some extent change of the ventricular pump function in human ;

  4. 有急性高山反应者,QRS积分的变化显著,3分组达到27.8%,说明低氧对心泵功能有一定的影响。

    QRS score had significant changes in the cases with high altitude responses which reached 27.8 % in 3 score group . In conclusion , hypoxia showed certain degree influence on heart pump function .

  5. 结论:高血压病患者血液流变学异常,尤以Fb升高时显著,造成血管外周阻力升高,心泵功能降低。

    Conclusion : The hemorheology of hypertensive patients was abnormal , especially while Fb was increased , it was played an important role on increasing vascular peripheral resistance and decreasing cardiac function .

  6. 本文参照Wagner等应用的QRS积分法,对60例急进高原者进行自身对照,旨在探讨该法在观察急进高原后(5172米)心泵功能变化中的意义。

    According to Wagner 's QRS scoring system 60 cases ascending to 5 172 meters high altitude rapidly were studed to under - stand significance of this method on studying heart pump function .

  7. 急性心肌梗塞急性期心泵功能评估

    Statistical Evaluation of Pump Function Change in Acute Stage of Acute Myocardial Infarction

  8. 大学生心泵功能现状特点及体育锻炼对策

    Current characteristics of College Students ' heart pump function and counter-measures through physical exercises

  9. 维护心泵功能。

    Maintain functions of the heart pump ;

  10. 心泵功能的调节;心泵功能的储备;冠脉循环、肺循环和脑循环。

    Regulation of heart pumping function ; cardiac reserve of pumping function ; coronary circulation ; pulmonary circulation and cerebral circulation .

  11. 结果:结果发现,随海拔高度的上升,人体心泵功能相应降低,但仍在生理范围内。

    Results : The left ventricular pump function values were reduced with altitude but the values mantained at a range of physiological condition .

  12. 结论:1实验组心泵功能各指标在安静、递增负荷、恢复期各状态中始终优于对照组,说明通过系统的体育锻炼,能够增强人体的心脏功能。

    Experiment group each index of heart pumping function in different loading condition always better than control group , show that , physical exercise can enhance human heart function . 2 .

  13. 结果:与训练前相比受试者肺活量显著提高、体重降低、收缩压略降低、舒张压略升高、心泵功能和微循环功能明显改善、心电图改善。

    Results : Comparing with before training , the vital capacity of subjects increases and body weight decreases , systolic pressure falls and diastolic pressure rises slightly , the cardiac pump function and microcirculation function improves obviously , and electrocardiograms improve slightly .

  14. 左心室收缩、舒张、顺应性和心泵贮备功能各指标均明显降低。

    Mean-while , all of the parameters of left ventricular con-tractility , relaxation , compliance and cardiac re-serve function decreased significantly .

  15. 大鼠阿霉素心肌病静息心脏功能评价心泵贮备功能的初步探讨

    The primary research on the evaluation of the cardiac reserve function by resting left ventricular performances in rats with adriamycin cardiomyopathy

  16. 二维超声心动图测定冠心病患者左心泵血功能的临床价值

    Clinical value of two-dimensional echocardiography in detection of the blood pump function of the left ventricle in patients with coronary heart disease

  17. 方法用彩色多普勒显像诊断仪在2维超声引导下M超声,对高血压性心脏病患者进行左心泵血功能测定。

    Methods By means of ultrasound under the guide of LDE with the help of color Doppler Flow Imaging the author deals with a test of the function of blood pumping in the left ventricle of heart of patient with hypertensive heart disease .

  18. 术后8-10天,肺叶切除术患者右心后负荷及泵功能恢复到术前水平,但全肺切除患者右心后负荷及泵功能与术前相比仍然异常。

    However the right cardiac afterload and right ventricular pumping function were still abnormal compared with preoperation at post-pneumonectomy 8th-10th day .

  19. 这项研究就是为了找到方坦手术不足的根源,弄清为什么这些心腔的泵血功能会有问题,以期想出新的方法来给这些孩子第二次生命的机会。

    The research is meant to get at the root of the'failing'Fontan , investigating why these pumping chambers fail in the hopes of devising new strategies to give these children a second chance in life .

  20. 心功能方面,每搏输出量增加,能够有效地增强心泵功能。

    And further more , we found that the Stroke volume is increased , which improves the pumping function of the heart .

  21. 慢性高输出量型心功能不全发展过程中心室舒、缩功能和顺应性的变化及其与心泵功能的关系

    Changes of ventricular relaxation , contractility and compliance and their effects on cardiac pump function during the development of chronic high output heart failure

  22. 本实验中,全部ACF+RAS大鼠均呈现出慢性高输出量型心功能不全的特征,在静息状态下心脏指数(CI)显著升高,而心泵贮备功能(CORF)却不同程度地降低。

    In the present study , all the rats with ACF + RAS showed the characteristics of high output hear failure of varying degree , the cardiac index rised significantly even at rest , while pump function reserving force ( CORF ) decreased to different extent . The resu (?)

  23. 为了分析急性低氧时心泵代偿-失代偿转变过程的力学特征,在22条麻醉开胸狗上,于吸入气氧分压递降条件下,作了心泵舒缩功能测定。

    To analyse the mechanic characteristics of compensation-decompensation of the cardiac pump , the cardiac pump function was measured under acute hypoxia by inhaling hypoxic oxygen-nitrogen gas mixtures in 22 anesthetized open-chest dogs .