
gòng gǔ
  • coenosteum
共骨[gòng gǔ]
  1. 材料和方法:回顾性分析手术和病理证实的长管状骨转移性肿瘤17例(共23骨受犯)的MRI表现,并和X线平片相对照。

    Materials and Methods : Twenty-three metastatic lesions of 17 cases in long tubular bone verified by surgery and pathology were studied with MRI ( 1.5 Tesla , Magnetom Vision ) .

  2. 可共表达骨保护素和碱性成纤维生长因子的复制缺陷型重组腺病毒

    Construction and identification of a replication deficient recombinant adenovirus encoding osteoprotegerin and fibroblast growth factor

  3. 结果:28例共32个骨挫伤病灶,T1W发现28个(占87.5%),T2W发现26个(占81.3%),在GESTIR序列病灶全部显示(100%)。

    Results : Twenty-eight cases had 32 focuses of bone contusion . T_1W detected 28 ( 87.5 % ), T_2W detected 26 ( 81.3 % ), and all of the focuses were shown on the GE-STIR series ( 100 % ) .

  4. 共抽取大型骨囊肿囊液12人次。

    The cyst fluid of large simple bone cyst was aspirated 12 times in all .

  5. 方法:应用外固定架共治疗胫骨骨缺损、伴肢体短缩性骨不连及先天性胫骨假关节20例。

    Methods : Twenty cases , with tibial bone defect , tibial bone nonunion or congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia with limb shortening were treated with external fixator .

  6. 结果:38例共45处骨损伤,包括显性骨折28处(73%)、隐性骨损伤(骨挫伤)17处(44%)。

    Results : 45 bone injuries were found in 38 cases , including 28 ( 73 % ) obvious fractures and 17 ( 44 % ) subtle injuries ( bone contusion ) .

  7. 结果5例患者术前MRI共发现8处骨坏死样异常信号,其中股骨内髁5处,内侧胫骨平台3处;

    Results Eight osteonecrosis-like focus was found in the 5 patients : 5 at medial femoral condyle and 3 at medial tibial condyle .

  8. 结果MPR、SSD及MIP重建图像清晰显示了40例共45处肩胛骨骨折及7例肩关节脱位;

    Results On the images of MPR , SSD and MIP , 45 scapular fractures and 7 shoulder joint dislocations in 40 patients were displayed clearly .

  9. 方法6例下胸椎及胸腰段脊髓压迫症患者经X线片及CT扫描证实,共发生椎体后缘骨内软骨结节9个,其中4例各发生1个,另2例分别为2个、3个;

    Methods 6 cases of thoracic and thoracolumbar spinal compression were proved with plain X-ray film and CT scanning to have 9 posterior marginal intraosseous cartilaginous nodes : 4 cases have one each , and the other two have 2 and 3 respectively ;

  10. 为全面认识KBD的病理变化,本文在光镜下复查了本所尸检档案2批共16例的骨切片。

    To overall know the pathological changes of KBD , the bone sections of 16 cases ( 2 batches ) of our own autopsy files were reexamined with light microscope .

  11. 目的探讨兔骨膜成骨细胞(RPOB)和肾血管内皮细胞(RRVEC)不同比例下间接共培养对成骨细胞增殖及功能的影响,优选细胞间接共培养的适宜比例。

    Objective To determine an optimal co culture ratio of the rabbit periosteal osteoblasts ( RPOB ) and rabbit renal vascular endothelial cells ( RRVEC ) without direct contact for future study of bone tissue engineering .

  12. 方法:总结1988年9月~1998年8月共收治的肩胛骨颈部骨折8例,进行临床分析讨论。

    Methods : 8 cases of the scapular neck fractures were involved in this series .

  13. 方法采用病灶扩大切除后行骨水泥植入或植骨加骨水泥植入术,8年内共治疗胫骨上端骨巨细胞瘤15例。

    Methods The technique of cementing or bone graft combined with cementing after extensive resection of the lesion were used for treating 15 patients within eight years .

  14. 共制备各种骨移植材料753份,在我院应用410例病人,6例术后感染,其中大段骨关节移植72例中3例发生深部感染。

    Totally 753 bone grafts were obtained in our bone bank and transplanted to 410 patients in our hospital with 6 cases infection , which including 3 cases infection among the 72 cases of massive osteoarticular transplantations .

  15. 实验结果1.病历资料统计:共选用21例骨关节炎患者膝关节置换取下的标本,其中男性1例,女性20例;左膝9例、右膝12例。

    Case data : a total of 21 cases of selected patients with osteoarthritis of the knee replacement removed specimens , of which one cases of male , female 20 cases ; left knee nine cases , 12 cases of right knee .