
  • 网络Omani
  1. 20世纪90年代早期,苏丹创立了一个选举咨询委员会(Majlisash-Shura),只有一小部分阿曼人有资格进行选举。

    In the early1990s , the sultan instituted an elected advisory council , the Majlis ash-Shura , though only a small part of the Omanis were elegible to vote .

  2. 绝大多数阿曼人是阿拉伯人,尽管也有相当数量的俾路支人(伊朗人)。

    The majority of the Omanis are Arabs , although there is a sizable Baluchi minority ( Iranian people ) .

  3. 传统的音乐装扮着阿曼人整个人生的舞台,包括出生,割礼节,婚姻和死亡。

    Traditional music marks all the stages in the life of an Omani , including birth , circumcision , marriage and death .

  4. 三个美国人,一个俄罗斯人还有一个阿曼苏丹人表示对这款手机有兴趣。

    Three Americans , a Russian and the Sultan of Oman are all said to have expressed an interest .