
  1. 共和新路高架工程一体化高架结构桥墩方案比选

    Optimization of Bridge Pier for Shanghai Gonghe New Road Double Decked Viaduct Project

  2. 共和新路一体式高架动力计算模型的正确建立是地震反应分析的基础和关键。

    It is a basis and important task to give correct analysis model of the structures for seismic analysis .

  3. 简要介绍了共和新路高架工程轨道梁的设计原则、选型及施工方法,希望为以后的轨道交通建设起到借鉴作用。

    The paper introduces the design principals , structural style and construction method of rail beam for Shanghai Gonghe Xin Road Viaduct Project .

  4. 介绍了上海市共和新路高架跨汶水路车站的异型连续钢箱梁的设计与施工特点,并对其受力特性着重进行探讨分析。

    The paper introduces the characteristics of the design and construction of deformed continuous steel box beam of Shanghai Gonghexin Road Elevated Bridge over Wenshui Road Station .

  5. 微博发布后,立即引发网友热议。新民网记者了解到,事发路段为于南北高架共和新路立交附近。上海警方今天回应称,目前市公安局交警总队高架支队已经找到这辆大巴车,并将依法定程序对此事开展调查。

    Police started investigation after a picture of the men urinating on the North-South Elevated Road was posted online yesterday morning , causing indignation on the Internet .

  6. 从交通功能、结构合理性、景观与环境和工程造价四个方面,论述共和新路高架工程一体化高架结构桥墩方案比选。

    The paper introduces the optimization of bridge pier for Shanghai Gonghe New Road Double Decked Viaduct Project in the aspects of transport function , structural rationality , landscape and environmental effect and project cost .

  7. 介绍了共和新路高架工程一体化高架桥墩的设计原则与方法、结构分析计算、节点构造布置及斜立柱的施工技术措施,为今后一体化双层高架结构的设计提供参考。

    The paper Presents design principle and method , structure analysis and calculation , joints detailing of bridge pier of the viaduct as well as technical measures of oblique column construction , which provides a reference for the design of double-decked viaduct structure .