
  • 网络common trait;connon trait;commontrmt
  1. 超越是戏剧悲剧和小说悲剧的共同特质。

    Transcendency is the common features of dramatic tragedy and novelistic tragedy .

  2. 忠实顺从:日本受众共同特质解析

    Faith and Comply & the analysis of the common idiosyncrasy for Japanese receptors

  3. 成功的奥秘多不胜数,而兰德尔则强调了那些顶级餐厅经营者所具备的一些共同特质。

    Amid such mysteries Mr Lander highlights qualities that almost all successful restaurateurs share .

  4. 外滩美术馆,将一群有共同特质且有独立个性的人聚在一起,是这个城市最美的一处风景。

    Rockbund Art Museum assembling people with same interest and independent characters is a one of the most beautiful city views .

  5. 这三个三部曲在选材、内容、创作方法等方面都有共同特质,共享大河小说之称。

    These three trilogies are similar in selecting materials , contents and creating methods , thus they share the title of " mighty river novel " .

  6. 职业共同体是以职业为纽带的社会群体,群体成员具有共同特质、其成员对职业具有归属感,维持构成社会实体的互动关系。

    Professional community is a social group connected by profession members of the group are of common characteristics , with a sense of belonging , to maintain the social physical interaction .

  7. 在接下来的演讲中,我想讲一下我在这三十个人身上,找到的一些共同特质,他们成为领导人的特质。

    And in the rest of this lecture , I 'd like to talk about those common ingredients that I found from these thirty people that I considered to be great leaders .

  8. 东亚模式是一种现实存在,是东亚地区在实现现代化过程中体现出来的共同特质,它在东亚经济的起飞和发展中起了导向作用。

    The East-Asian Pattern refers to common characteristics manifested in the course of the modernization of the countries and regions in East Asia , which has functioned as a guide to the economic prosperity this area .

  9. 对生命活力的野性呼唤,体现了人类的共同特质和内在精神,满足了中西文化互补的需求,是《红高粱》获奖的根本原因;

    Its wild calling for the vitality of life embodies common human peculiarity and inner spirit and meets the needs of the complementarity of Chinese culture and Western culture , which is the basic cause for its winning a prize .

  10. 本文从宏观方面探索创新人才的培养,以及创新人才所具有的共同特质,为理论与实践的发展提供思考的空间和时间。

    Now , from macroscopic side we not only discuss the fostering the innovatory person , but also they have the common special quality , the aims of this article that we write provide the space and the time for researching theory and practice .

  11. 绝大多数成功人士都有共同的特质:脾气倔强,性格刚强。

    Most of successful men have the characteristics of contumacy and doughty .

  12. 但是有时候好丈夫都有一些共同的特质。

    There are , however , some common qualities that make a great husband .

  13. 这三件事有几样共同的特质:

    All three have several characteristics in common :

  14. 但成功者一定都有共同的特质,胸怀大志的创业者也应努力学习现成的成功模式。

    There are common traits among the winners , however , and aspiring entrepreneurs should always try to learn from existing models of success .

  15. 李白、李贺、李商隐三人的诗歌在奇特幻想和浪漫精神方面有着共同的特质。

    LI Bai , LI He and LI Shang-yin , three great poets in Tang Dynasty , have a lot in common in composition of fantastic and romantic poems .

  16. 虚实相映,虚实相生是《百年孤独》与《红楼梦》两部小说共同的审美特质。

    Fictitious and realistic comparison is the same aesthetic feature of the two works .

  17. 问问你自己,你们是否因为彼此的特别和共同拥有的特质而相互赞赏。

    Ask yourselves whether you admire each other for the special individuals that you are and the unique qualities that you both possess .

  18. 民族精神是一个民族在漫长的历史发展过程中,逐渐积淀形成的一种共同的精神特质。

    " National spirit " is a kind of common spiritual characteristic , which one nation accumulates and forms gradually in a long historical development process .

  19. 感恩与感激作为情绪是不同的,但他们可以藉由共同的感恩情感特质来解释。

    Gratitude is different from appreciation , but they belong to a same affective trait called grateful trait .

  20. 大部分顶尖的自行车车手所共同具有的生理特质是什么呢?

    What are the physical traits common to most of those who are at the pinnacle of cycling ?

  21. 他们笔下的世界,呈现出共同的冷的特质:冷静的叙述策略,冷色调的作品氛围,悲剧性的故事和人物。

    Both worlds which they described emerge the similar particularity of cold : cool relation tactic , cold atmosphere in their works and tragic story and figures .

  22. 承继共犯作为共同犯罪的一种特殊形态,其在主观形态和客观行为上都存在着不同于普通共同犯罪的特质。

    As a joint crime inherits accomplice is a kind of special form , its in subjective form and objective behavior and there are different from ordinary qualities of a joint crime .