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  • conjugate function
  1. (H,Ω)共轭函数理论

    ( h ,ω) conjugate function theory

  2. 共轭函数法在弹道设计中的应用

    An Application of Conjugate Function Method to Exterior Ballistic Design

  3. 二维位势边界元技术的共轭函数法

    The method of conjugate function for boundary element technique

  4. 关于非凸函数的共轭函数问题

    The problems on conjugate function of nonconvex function

  5. 分别利用了共轭函数法与直接配置和非线性规划方法对异面最优变轨问题进行了求解。

    Adjoint function algorithms and direct collocation and nonlinear programming methods are applied to resolve the non-coplanar optimal orbit transfers problem .

  6. 主要介绍了下卷积的一些基本性质,并且利用文献[1]中的结果以及Fenchel-共轭函数的性质,得到了下卷积在某些函数上的应用。

    In this paper , we mainly discuss elementary properties of inf-convolutions . Using the result of paper [ 1 ] and the properties of Fenchel conjugate function , we obtain some applications of inf-convolution to some functions .

  7. 有关凸函数及其共轭函数的理论,在文献[3]中有较为详尽的论述,本文着重介绍凹函数及其共轭函数的相关理论,这些理论在对偶凸规划中同样发挥着重要作用。

    The theory of convex function and its conjugate function have been discussed in [ 3 ] . In this paper , we mainly talk about the theory of concave function and its conjugate function , these theory is important either in the duality of convex programming .

  8. B0型空间上共轭凸函数的指数共轭性

    Conjugate properties of exponent of conjugate convex function on B_0-type spaces

  9. Qp上的共轭调和函数系

    Conjugate systems for harmonic functions over q_p

  10. 利用Poisson核的卷积理论,得到了共轭调和函数系的边值特性。

    Then , the properties of boundary values of the conjugate systems for harmonic functions are shown by Poisson integrals .

  11. 基于共轭模糊函数的时差-频差联合估计方法基于时空处理的频率与二维DOA联合估计算法

    TDOA-FDOA estimation with conjugate ambiguity function Joint signal carrier frequency and 2D DOA estimation method based on space-time processing

  12. 定义了与驱动项f相共轭的函数X,取代作为上述运动方程的自田变量x(x可代表某种输出或化学反应的产物)。

    A function X conjugate to the driving term f is defined instead of the free variable x , as an output ( including the product of chemical reaction ), of the equation of motion mentioned above .

  13. 非线性波波相互作用共轭源函数守恒量的分析

    Conservation Properties of the Adjoint Source Function of Nonlinear Wave-wave Interaction

  14. 半解析函数、共轭解析函数及其在力学中的初步应用

    Semi analytic Function , Conjugate analytic Function and Their Applications in Mechanics

  15. 内闭一致有界共轭解析函数列的若干性质

    Some Properties of a Sequence of Inner-Closed Uniformly Bounded Conjugate Analytic Functions

  16. 对一个共轭型函数方程的研究(1)

    The Study of A Conjugate Functional Equation ( 1 );

  17. 共轭解析函数论中微分中值定理的类似与推广

    Differential Theorems of Mean and Their Extension in Theory of Conjugate Analytic Functions

  18. 关于共轭调和函数的几个命题

    Some Propositions on the Conjugate Harmonic Functions

  19. 基于互模糊函数的时差频差估计算法及实现途径基于共轭模糊函数的时差-频差联合估计方法

    Estimation Algorithm and Realization Method for Differential Delay and Differential Frequency Offset Based on Cross Ambiguity Function

  20. 这些结果能被用来研究共轭调和函数的可积性并且估计它们的积分。

    These results can be used to study the integrability of conjugate harmonic functions and estimate the integrals for them .

  21. 文中还得到判别多连通区域内的一个调和函数是否具有单值共轭调和函数的一个判别准则。

    A criterion of harmonic function with single - valued conjugate harmonic function in n - connected domains is also arrived at .

  22. 以分割区域D为基础将解析函数与共轭解析函数的微分中值定理推广到高阶形式。

    Basing on a partition of region D , we generalize the differential mean-value theorems for analytic functions and conjugate analytic functions to a high order case .

  23. k-正则函数的某些性质及其共轭k-正则函数的Riemann边值问题

    On some properties of k-Regular functions and Riemann boundary value problems with conjugate for k-Regular function

  24. 在平面弹性问题中,由变量代换及变分原理,方程可导向哈密顿体系,从而通过分离变量法及共轭辛本征函数向量展开法,以解析的方法来进行求解。

    The governing equations of the problem are derived in Hamiltonian form by using variable substitution and variational principle . Then the methods of separation of variables and conjugate symplectic eigenfunction expansion are developed to solve the equations of plate bending problem .

  25. 所得结果说明:它们的禁带宽度Eg都可统一地表为键能和邻键间共轭积分的线性函数,与共价结构的形式无关。

    The results showed that the band gaps Eg can generally be expressed as a linear function of the bond energy and the resonance integrals between the neighbouring bonds , irrespective of the covalent structural types of the semiconductors .

  26. 基于共轭梯度法的函数优化混合遗传算法

    A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm of Function Optimization Based on Conjugate Gradient Algorithm

  27. 本文首先介绍共轭复指数随机函数。

    A clear description of the conjugated complex exponential random function is given in this paper .

  28. 提出了相应于Cauchy型积分的Cauchy型共轭积分,并用它来求Riemann边值的分片共轭解析函数的解。

    The integral of conjugate cauchy type analogous to the integral of Cauchy type is introduced and the solutions of Riemann boundary value problem in class of piecewise conjugate analytic functions are obtained .

  29. 本文证明了共轭A-调和张量的局部双权积分不等式,此结果类似于共轭调和函数的古典Hardy-Littlewood不等式。

    This paper proves a local two-weighted integral inequality for conjugate A-harmonic tensors similar to the Hardy and Littlewood integral inequality for conjugate harmonic functions .