
  • 网络Christ on the Cross
  1. 圣餐仪式的重要性在于:通过它,跟十字架上的基督是同一个的基督,救赎了人性,并被给予所有人,并被信徒们当作他们的拯救所接受。

    The significance of the Eucharist is that by means of it the same Christ who on the Cross redeemed humanity is offered to all and is received by believers as their salvation .

  2. 虽然我很敬重她,但我必须说明,救恩并不是来自站在十字架下的马利亚,而是被挂在十字架上的耶稣基督。

    But with all reverence , I want to say that our salvation does not come from Mary standing at the cross , but our salvation comes from Christ on the cross .