
  • 网络low fidelity;Lo-Fi;Low-Fi;lofi
  1. 用这种方式完成挑战,不但满足了需求,还为搜索引擎爬虫和没有JavaScript的用户提供了一个“低保真”的体验。

    Approaching the challenge in this way , you have not only met the requirements , but you have also provided a " lo-fi " experience for search engine spiders and users without JavaScript .

  2. 低保真原型只是一张图或是系统的一个简单模型。

    A Lo-fi prototype is simply a picture or a simple model of the system .

  3. 然而,在我的项目中,我们用“低保真”这一术语,仅仅指的是任何没有遵循UML、线框图标准或任何其它正式规范的图。

    However , in my projects we use the term " Lo-fi " to simply mean any picture that does not comply with UML , Wireframe standards or any other formal rules .

  4. 路易·威登的“低保真”作品:风干牛肉钱包系列作品。

    Lo-fi Louis : Miss Wu also fashioned a Vuitton wallet in the meat product .

  5. 术语“低保真”的意思是一个非工作模型,而“高保真”模型是可工作模型。

    The term " Lo-fi " or " Low Fidelity " means a non-working model while a " High Fidelity " model is a working model .

  6. 针对低分辨率图像的保真问题,提出基于轮廓曲线的邻域方向差分链码,进行曲线失真程度的分析。

    A novel approach , the differential neighborhood chain , is presented for evaluating the distortion of the outline of the nature fiber in the low resolution image .

  7. 本论文通过对海底沉积物特性、高压容器特性、保温方法、样品转移等的分析,提出了高取样率低扰动技术、保真取样准则及取样器安全性准则;

    In this thesis , through the study of character of seabed sediments , character of pressure container , method of insulation and transfer of sample , puts forward high sampling-rate technique and low-disturbing sampling technique , truth-preserving sampling technique and safety sampling technique .