
  • 网络Low gas mine;low gaseous mine
  1. 低瓦斯矿井煤层基本瓦斯参数测定与应用

    Mensuration and application of gas parameter in low gas mine

  2. 低瓦斯矿井瓦斯爆炸事故的原因及控制措施

    Cause of Gas Explosion and Control Measures in Low-Gas Coal Mine

  3. 瓦斯抽放在低瓦斯矿井瓦斯防治中的应用

    The Application of Gas Drainage for Preventing Accident in Low Gas Mines

  4. 低瓦斯矿井瓦斯排放的方法选择

    How to Establish a Gas Discharging System for a Low Gas Density Mine

  5. 低瓦斯矿井回采工作面瓦斯涌出规律与防治

    Gas emission law and control for coal mining faces in low gassy mine

  6. 低瓦斯矿井高瓦斯区域瓦斯综合治理技术

    Gas Control Technology of Gas Abnormal Area in the Mining Process on Low-gas Coal Mine

  7. 低瓦斯矿井局部瓦斯异常涌出的分析研究

    Analysis and research on gas abnormal effuse at partial area of low - gas coal mine

  8. 低瓦斯矿井综放工作面配风量的动态确定子午加速轴流通风机低风量特性的研究

    Dynamical Detemination of Air Distribution in Fully Mechanized Caving Faces in Low Gassy Mines Study on the Characters of the Meridian Acceleration Axial Fan

  9. 国内外统计资料表明,高瓦斯矿井发生瓦斯爆炸事故的机率并不是很高,低瓦斯矿井的瓦斯涌出异常区却时有瓦斯爆炸事故发生。

    According to domestic and international statistic data , the occurrence probability of gas explosion is not very high , but it occasionally occurs in gas abnormal effusing area of low gas mines .

  10. 为分析低瓦斯矿井瓦斯爆炸机理,阐述了低瓦斯矿井瓦斯爆炸的必要条件和爆炸原因。

    In order to analyze the gas explosion mechanism in low gassy mine , the paper stated the necessary condition and the explosion cause of the gas explosion in the low gassy mine .

  11. 豫西地区二1煤层是典型的三软煤层,长期以来,该地区各开采矿井一直为低瓦斯和高瓦斯矿井。

    Permian period coal seam in western of Henan province is classical Three-soft coal . For a long time , all coal mines were always low gas emission wells or high gas emission wells in this region .