
qīn shì
  • marriage
亲事 [qīn shì]
  • [marriage] 婚姻之事

  • 赖掉这门亲事

亲事[qīn shì]
  1. 她的父亲坚决反对这门亲事。

    Her father had set his face against the marriage .

  2. 他的家人坚决反对这门亲事。

    His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage .

  3. 他们的父母无可奈何地应允了这门亲事。

    Their parents unwillingly [ grudgingly ] consented to the marriage .

  4. 这门子亲事老两口很称心。

    The old couple are satisfied with this marriage contract .

  5. 他许过我一头亲事。

    He 's promised me a wife ( husband ) .

  6. 这门亲事遭到全家反对。

    The marriage was opposed by the whole family .

  7. 他的亲事快成了吧?

    Is he going to get married soon ?

  8. 李家的亲事我已经准备好了。

    I 've already arranged a match with the Li family .

  9. 我诚心诚意地希望她好好攀门亲事。

    I wish with all my heart she were well settled .

  10. 第四,这门亲事可能会破裂。

    and fourthly , that the match might be broken off .

  11. 李家的亲事就这样地决定了。

    Thus the match with the Li family was decided .

  12. 我觉得她母亲对这门亲事一样会反对。

    I don 't think her mother would approve of that either .

  13. 双方家庭都同意了这门亲事。

    Both families have set their seal to the marriage .

  14. 她像你姨父或我一样希望这门亲事能成。

    She desires the connexion as warmly as your uncle or myself .

  15. 这门亲事说不定会很美满的。

    It 'll probably be a very successful marriage .

  16. 她当然不怪他对这门亲事望而却步。

    From such a connection she could not wonder that he should shrink .

  17. 她从各方面表示不赞成这门亲事。

    She deprecated the connexion in every light .

  18. “或许那会让他错过一门很好的亲事。”

    " It might cause him to fail in some desirable matrimonial alliance . "

  19. 他的父母赞成了这门亲事。

    His parents approved of the match .

  20. 我只被告诉说,我父亲为我安排了门当户对的亲事。

    All I was told about was that my father had made a suitable match .

  21. 是的,索菲娅,我来这里就想缔结一门荒诞的亲事。

    Yes , here I am , Sophia , quite ready to make a foolish match .

  22. “所以要不是为了这门亲事,她本来是可以做您的继承人的是吧?”

    " So that , but for this marriage , she would have been your heir ?"

  23. 这门亲事肯定是不行的。

    The connection must be impossible .

  24. 父亲就答应这门亲事。

    Father would give his consent .

  25. 照我看这门亲事对你应该是求之不得。

    It would seem to me that you would jump at the chance for such a marriage .

  26. 好啦,还是长话短叙吧,老爷和太太同意了这门亲事。

    Well , to make a long story short , the lord and lady agreed to the match .

  27. “足呀,”哈丽特诚挚地说,“八成是这样的,没有人能攀到比这更好的亲事了。

    Yes , 'said Harriet earnestly , 'and well she might , nobody could ever have a better .

  28. 你和我一样清楚,艾希礼的亲事要在今晚宣布,爸今天早晨这样说的。

    You know as well as I do that Ashley 's engagement is going to be announced tonight .

  29. 姑娘同意去了,这又使得她的母亲心里头想到这门亲事的前景。

    Her mother could not repress her consciousness of the nuptial Vision conjured up by the girl 's consent .

  30. 这样不合适的一门亲事,真使她难受了好久。

    It was a long time before she became at all reconciled to the idea of so unsuitable a match .