
  • 网络parenting;parent-child interaction;I-Interactive
  1. 亲子互动研究及其进展

    The study of parent-child interaction and its development

  2. 2岁幼儿移情反应的特点:与自发帮助、气质、亲子互动的关系

    The Empathic Responsiveness of Children Aged 2 : Associations with Child Spontaneous Helping , Temperament and Parent-Child Interaction

  3. 【目的】探讨亲子互动训练(exploringtogether,ET)计划是否适用于干预儿童的行为问题。

    【 Objective 】 To evaluate the effects by exploring together ( ET ) program in intervention of children with behavioral problems .

  4. 这个系列除了读本外,还包括习写簿、作业簿、CD读音、字卡、多媒体互动学习光碟和亲子互动故事书。

    The contents include interactive pictures and words , exercise books , correct pronunciation , flash cards , CD 's and story book reading .

  5. 基于多元智能理论的亲子互动网络课程开发

    Research on Development of Parent-child Interaction Network Curriculum Based on the Multiple Intelligences Theory

  6. 【结论】用亲子互动训练计划干预儿童行为问题是可行和有效的。

    【 Conclusion 】 The ET program is practical and effective to intervene children 's behavioral problems .

  7. 社会互动与亲子互动是青少年个体社会化的必由之路。

    The mutual aid in society and families is the natural path to the socialization of the Juveniles .

  8. 亲子互动作为调节亲子关系的桥梁和纽带,起到非常重要的作用。

    Parent-child interaction as a regulator of the bridge and link parent-child relationships , play a very important role .

  9. 本文选取的角度是将亲子互动作为探讨农村独生子女家庭亲子关系的切入点。

    The point is to select the parent-child interaction as the pitching pot of studying rural only-child family parent-child relationship .

  10. 心理理论和亲子互动都是当前发展心理学中最热门、最活跃的两个研究领域。

    Theory of mind ( TOM ) and parent-child interaction are two hot issues in the research field of development psychology .

  11. 移民家庭从社会经济地位和亲子互动这两个方面影响着亲子关系。

    The social and economic status of the in-city new immigrant families from the countryside and the parent-child interactions affect the parentage in two aspects .

  12. 脑瘫患儿父母在照顾患儿过程中,亲职愁苦感受最大,亲子互动失调的压力最小。

    In the process of taking care of children with cerebral palsy , parents feel the biggest pressure is parent distress , the pressure of parent-child dysfunctional interaction is minimal .

  13. 研究者共录下了451个双亲家庭的亲子互动来评估父母的行为,并且以此判断孩子从青春期到成年的身体健康方面产生的变化。

    Researchers videotaped the interactions of 451 two-parent families to assess parenting behaviour and look at changes in the child 's health several years later from adolescence to young adulthood .

  14. 半流动家庭父母面临抚养人力不足、亲子互动失调和教养观念冲突等方面的角色压力,亲职压力给半流动家庭造成了负面影响。

    Parents face the parenting stress from the shortage of raising human , parent-child interaction disturbance and upbringing ideas conflict with others . Parenting stress caused negative influence for half-flow families .

  15. 而对于中学生的这一变化,父母并没有及时发现、适应,并在对待孩子的方式上加以调整,导致亲子互动减少,家庭关系紧张、矛盾频发。

    To the change of middle-school students , their parents did not detect , adapt , and adjust the treatment with children , resulting to reduced parent-child interaction , family tensions , and conflict-prone .

  16. 在网络社会和数字化生存时代,我国社会在代际关系和文化传承方面发生了革命性变化,亲子互动模式正在发生巨大的转变。

    At the age of network which is also characterized as an age of number , the generation relationship and culture inheritance in China 's society have undergone a revolutionary change , and the relationship between parents and children varies rapidly .

  17. 青少年网络成瘾与亲子关系互动性研究

    The Interaction between the Youth Internet Addiction and the Parent-child Relationship

  18. 基于亲子良性互动提供了特殊儿童生理发育、认知发展、人格完善的生态化环境和强大动力,家庭的支持及其与学校的合作和互动就成为随班就读有效实施的基本保证和基础条件。

    Because of the circumstances and motivation for physical , cognitive and personality development of exceptional children by the interaction between parents and children , the sustaining of family and the collaboration between family and school are the effective guarantee and foundation of learning in regular classroom .

  19. 不仅可以训练孩子肌肉发展,也可以增加亲子间的互动;

    You can have your child play with bath toys as a way of practicing certain movements such as grasping , patting , or splashing .

  20. 亲子园中家长这一角色在亲子互动中是必不可少的因素,家长的角色观会直接影响自身的角色行为,从而影响儿童的行为以及亲子互动的发展。

    Parent is the essential element in the parent-child interaction , for the concept of the parents ' role could directly affect their own behavior , and so as to affect the behavior of children and the parent-child interaction .

  21. 亲子沟通是基于亲子关系基础上的亲子双方的互动过程,也是影响亲子双方的内在作用机制之一。

    On the basis of parent-child relationship , parent-child communication is the interaction process of parents and children ; and it is a kind of internal affective mechanism , which can affect both parents and children .

  22. 从婴儿期的游戏入手,讨论婴儿期亲子游戏与亲子依恋的关系及如何通过亲子游戏提高亲子互动和亲子依恋的质量。

    This paper deals with the relationship between parent-child play and parent-child attachment , and finding the way of increasing the parent-child interact .

  23. 亲子阅读作为早期阅读的重要组成部分,是一种强调亲子间互动的阅读方式,它对于幼儿的身心成长具有特殊的意义。

    Parent-child reading , as an essential component of the early reading , emphasizes the interactive communication between parents and children . It bears a special significance for the physical and mental growth of children .

  24. 研究涉及了两个主要问题:第一,亲子园家长角色观在人口学变量上是否存在显著差异;二是家长角色观与亲子互动的关系。

    The study involves two major : the first is that whether the concept of parents ' role exists significantly difference on demographic variables ; the second is the relationship of the concept of parents ' role and the parent-child interaction .