
  • 网络low voltage distribution;Low-Voltage distribution
  1. J2EE核心模式及其在低压配电信息系统中的应用研究

    Study on the J2EE Core Pattern and its Application to the Information System of Low Voltage Distribution

  2. 浪涌保护器(SPD)在低压配电系统中的应用

    The application of Surge protective device in low voltage distribution system

  3. DeviceNet现场总线特点及在低压配电装置中的应用

    Application of Device net in device of LV power supply

  4. DeviceNet在低压配电控制系统中的应用

    Device Net Application in the Low-voltage Distribution Control System

  5. 自动转换开关在低压配电系统中的应用关于{x/n}的分布

    Application of Automatic Transfer Switch in Low-Voltage Power Distribution System

  6. 关于{x/n}的分布降低低压配电线损提高企业经济效益

    Reducing the Low-voltage Distribution Line Loss and Increasing Enterprise 's Economic Benefit

  7. 基于DSP的低压配电箱火灾监控系统研究与设计

    Study and Design of the Fire Monitoring System to the Distribution Box on DSP

  8. 基于DSP的低压配电网谐波测量仪设计

    Design of the harmonic meter based on DSP

  9. 中低压配电网自动化的必要性及其PLC实现方案

    Necessity Of Distributing Net Automatization With Medial And Low Pressure And Its PLC Realization Scheme

  10. PLC在低压配电成套装置中的应用

    Application of PLC in the complete sets of the electric devices for the low-voltage power distribution

  11. 基于GPRS的低压配电网实时管理系统

    Real-time management system of low-voltage distribution network based on GPRS

  12. PLC在中低压配电网自动化RTU中的应用

    Application of PLC to the Middle and low-voltage Distribution System Automation RTU

  13. 低压配电网TN接地型式及五芯电力电缆PE线选择的讨论

    TN Grounding of LV Power Distribution Network and Selection of PE Wire in 5-Core Power Cables

  14. 基于GPRS的低压配电变压器故障自动监测与抄表通信系统

    GPRS-Based Fault Automatically Detect and Meter Recording Communication System of Transformer Adaptable to Low-Voltage Distribution Networks

  15. 关于(TN)低压配电系统中重复接地问题的分析

    About Iterative Earthing in ( TN ) Low-Voltage Distribution System

  16. 基于PROFIBUS的低压配电远程监测系统

    Remote Monitoring and Managerial LV Distribution System Based on PROFIBUS

  17. TT制式低压配电系统SPD安装方式

    Installation of SPD in TT-Style Low-Voltage Distribution System

  18. 基于ModBus协议实现低压配电系统监控

    Design of Low - voltage Distribution System Monitoring and Control Based on ModBus Protocol

  19. 交联聚乙烯(XLPE)绝缘电缆在低压配电网中的应用分析

    The Application and Analysis of XLPE Insulation Cable in Distribution Network of low voltage

  20. 低压配电系统PCC计算机监测与控制系统的电气设计

    Electrical design of PCC computer monitoring and control system of low voltage distribution system

  21. 论文对低压配电网有源电力滤波器(ActivePowerfilter,APF)的参考电流计算方法、控制技术、主电路优化设计等关键技术进行了深入研究。

    Key technologies such as reference current calculation method , control strategy and optimal design of main circuit for low-voltage distribution network active power filter ( APF ) are deeply studied in this dissertation .

  22. 介绍了一套基于PROFIBUS现场总线的智能化低压配电系统。

    This article gave an introduction of the hardware and software of LV intelligent distribution system based on PROFIBUS .

  23. 本文介绍了以PLC为主体的中低压配电网自动化中RTU的硬件组成和PCL软件设计。

    This paper introduces the hardware composition of RTU of the middle - and low-voltage distribution system based PLC and PLC software design .

  24. 介绍了LON局域操作网络技术,设计了基于LON技术的智能低压配电系统。

    This article gave a detail introduction of LON technology and designed an LV intelligent distribution system .

  25. 对低压配电系统中的无功补偿电容器,采用过零固态继电器(SolidStateRelay,SSR)来动态投切。

    The paper introduces a way of using zero-cross Solid State Relay ( SSR ) to switch the reactive compen-sation capacitors in the low voltage distribution system .

  26. 设计了一种适用于低压配电网的TSC无功动态补偿装置。

    One kind of TSC dynamic reactive power compensation device for low voltage distribution networks is proposed in this paper .

  27. 电力载波通信技术,简称PLC,是一种利用中、低压配电网作为通信介质,实现数据、语音、图像等综合业务传输的通信技术。

    Power Line Communication technology , referred to as PLC , is a use of medium and low voltage distribution network as the communication medium for data , voice , image and other integrated business communications transmission technology .

  28. 谈TN-C低压配电系统的中性线

    About the Neuter Line of TN-C Decompression Switchboard System

  29. 低压配电TN-S系统的重复接地及安全

    Repeatedly Grounding and Safety for TN - S System

  30. 低压配电TN-S系统主回路开关极数的选择

    Selection of Main Loop Switch Pole Number in Low Voltage Power Distribution TN-S System