
  • 网络mobile workstation;mobile station;Mobil Work Station
  1. 结合密钥管理和RADIUS认证技术,提出了一种能在移动工作站和无线接入点之间提供双向验证和动态加密的安全策略。

    With key management and RADIUS authentication technology , a security project is put forward which could offer two-way authentication and session dynamic encryption between mobile station and wireless access point .

  2. logonpath设置用于漫游配置文件,以供移动工作站(如便携式计算机)使用。

    The logon path setting is used for roaming profiles , which are used by mobile workstations ( like laptops , for example ) .

  3. 文章介绍了基于营销MIS、配电MIS系统的电力营销移动工作站的硬件配制、系统结构、网络平台、系统安全性、软件设计及系统功能开发。

    Hardware disposition , system structure , network terrace , system safety , software design and the system function development of the electric marketing moving workstation , based on marketing MIS and distribution system are introduced .

  4. 电力营销移动工作站的设计与功能开发

    Design and function development of the moving-work station

  5. 制作工程、桥梁构件,机动供电和照明,是道路、桥梁抢修工程最佳移动工作站。

    So it is a good mobile work station for road and bridge emergency repair .

  6. PDA与移动护士工作站在临床护理工作的应用与发展

    Application and Development of PDA and Mobile Nursing Station in Clinical Nursing Practice

  7. 移动医护工作站在医院的应用研究

    Application of mobile curing and nursing workstation to hospital

  8. 基于二维条码的医疗救护分队移动医护工作站设计【医】(颔)侧移动

    Design and Usage of Mobile Doctor-Nurse Workstation In Medical Treatment Team Based On 2D Barcode

  9. 移动护士工作站在临床护理工作中的开发与应用

    Development and application of mobile nurse station

  10. 方法:通过掌上计算机无线传输及数据同步等技术,开发出了移动护士工作站子系统。

    Methods Based on wireless transmission and data synchronization technologies in PDA , a mobile nursing station was developed .

  11. 作为国内首家全面应用移动医护工作站的医院信息系统,扎实地向无纸化、无胶片化和无线网络化的数字化医院目标迈进了一大步。

    As the first domestic hospital which applies the workstation , our hospital has made a great progress towards the aim of paperless , filmless and wireless hospital digitalization .

  12. 白求恩和医疗队撤退到宋家庄。基于二维条码的医疗救护分队移动医护工作站设计

    Bethune and the unit fell back to a town called Sung Chia Chuang . Design and Usage of Mobile Doctor-Nurse Workstation In Medical Treatment Team Based On 2D Barcode

  13. 一种多功能、移动式医护工作站的设计构想

    The Designing Ideas of Multifunctional and Mobile Medical Work Platform