
  • 网络image output device
  1. 在实际应用中,图像输出设备存在局限、图像输出设备的多元化、输出图像质量评价中主观因素给图像半色调化技术研究和应用带来了挑战。

    In the practice of halftoning image , human factors in output image quality evaluation , performance limitation and versatility of image output devices pose great challenges to the research and application of halftone technology .

  2. 通常一个PACS由下列部分组成:图像归档服务器、图像获取设备、诊断工作站、图像输出设备等。

    PACS is usually comprised of image archiving server , image capturing facilities , diagnosis workstations and image-output facilities .

  3. 首先编写视频处理前端模块VPFE和视频处理后端模块VPBE的驱动程序,用于获取摄像头采集的输入图像以供算法处理和将处理后的图像输出到显示设备。

    First , the drivers for video processing on both the video processing front end module and video processing backend module are prepared and used to capture images from camera and output processed images to display devices .

  4. 论文介绍了整个微机图像处理系统的系统构成,以及各部分硬件的设计情况,包括图像输入输出设备、微机接口、自动物流子系统等。

    Then the structure of the whole system is introduced , as well as the hardware design , including I / O devices , PC interface , transmitted subsystem , and so on .