
tú xínɡ xì tǒnɡ
  • graphic system
  1. 换热设备CAD图形系统集成方法探讨

    Methods of Graphic System Integration in Developing Heat-exchanger CAD Software

  2. Windows下二维气象绘图软件&客观分析诊断图形系统

    Two-dimensional Plot Software for Meteorology on Windows ── Objective Analysis and Graphic System

  3. 基于Web的实时监控图形系统

    A Real Time Supervisory Control Graphics System Based on Web

  4. 基于游戏引擎的3D图形系统的研究

    Research of Three Dimension Graphic Based on Game Engine

  5. 地理信息系统(GIS)在配电网地理图形系统中的应用

    Application of Geographic Information System ( GIS ) in Distribution Network 's Geographic Figure System

  6. 剖面线的自动绘制,是CAD图形系统的难题之一。

    The automatic drawing of section lines is a difficult problem in CAD figure system .

  7. 电力系统实时图形系统的基于COM的设计与实现

    COM based Development of the Real time Power Network Graph Generation System

  8. 分布式虚拟现实(DistributedVirtualReality,DVR)系统是一个支持多人在网络上进行实时交互的图形系统。

    Distributed Virtual Reality System is a graphic system that supports the multi-people real-time interactive through the networking .

  9. 论述了现代桥梁CAD系统必须以数据库系统和图形系统为支撑。

    This paper pointed out that modern bridge CAD must be based on core database system and graphics support system .

  10. 一种静态RAM双帧存结构的图形系统及应用

    Application of Graphics Display System Based on Double SRAM

  11. CAPP中大型图形系统的开发

    Development of the Large-Scale Graph System of CAPP

  12. 基于MFC报警监控图形系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Fire Alarming and Monitoring System with MFC

  13. DSS中图形系统的设计研究

    Study on the Graphics System for DSS

  14. 介绍所开发的SFC组态软件的图形系统的构成。

    The graph system of the SFC configuration software is introduced .

  15. OpenGL图形系统是访问图形硬件的一种软件接口,通过OpenGL可以创建交互式的可编辑三维图形系统,制作高性能三维图形处理软件。

    OpenGL graphics system is a software interface to access graphics hardware , through which can create interactive editable 3D graphics system .

  16. 基于嵌入式图形系统的改进Bresenham反走样算法

    Improved Bresenham Line Drawing Anti-Aliasing Algorithm Based on Embedded Graphics System

  17. BLT技术在一个交互图形系统中的应用

    Application of BLT Technique in an Interactive Graphic System

  18. 在地区电网短路计算、保护整定及档案管理程序的研究项目中,采用对AutoCAD进行二次开发来获得所需要的图形系统。

    In the project of local power network short-circuit calculation , protection coupling and archive management , a second-exploitation of AutoCAD is used to get an expected Graphics system .

  19. 基于DWG的煤矿井下定位监测矢量图形系统设计紧绳监测定位标准系统

    Design on Vector Graphic System of Underground Mine Position Monitoring and Measuring Based on DWG

  20. 微机图形系统MGS的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of microcomputer graphics system

  21. 通过明确设计目标和需求,设计了三维图形系统Widget软件的两层架构,即Widget引擎层和Widget应用层。

    With a clear design goals and requirements , the widget system has been implemented by two layers : the widget engine layer and the widget application layer .

  22. 此选项仅适用于ATI显示卡,可用于其他图形系统忽略。

    This option only applies to ATI graphics cards , and can be ignored for other graphics systems .

  23. 介绍在SUN工作站上实现的二维交互式图形系统UNICAD。该图形系统包括基本图素生成;

    The paper discusses the design and implementation of the 2D interactive graphics system & UNICAD , which runs on SUN workstations .

  24. 基于SVG的图形系统可以作为不同系统间图形信息共享的平台,同时保证了图形发布的实时性,也为调度可视化提供了基础。

    As the platform can share the graphic information among different systems , the new graphic system meets the requirement of real-time display and supports the data visualization .

  25. XENIX交互式图形系统

    XENIX Interactive Graphic System

  26. 空间拓扑关系的描述与操作是GIS的重要基础,在GIS中起着举足轻重的作用,同时也是GIS区别于其它图形系统的重要标志。

    The description and operation of the spatial topological relation in the spatial relation are important basis of the GIS , which play an critical role in the GIS and simultaneously are crucial marks of the GIS differing from other graphical systems .

  27. 在引擎层中建立了一个引擎抽象层,将每种引擎提供的服务抽象成统一的引擎接口供上层调用,从而实现了一种具有2D、半透明和3D绘图效果的嵌入式图形系统。

    An abstract engine layer it built in the engine level to abstract the services supported by idiographic engines for higher level calling . So an embedded graphic system is implemented which has 2D , translucent and 3D drawing effects .

  28. 该方案以SVG作为EMS图形系统的Web发布和显示格式,并将对画面、数据等的操作封装为Web服务进行发布,以实现Web上SVG画面动态刷新等功能。

    This method uses SVG as the format to publish and display the graphs of EMS at Web , and publishes Web Services by encapsulating the operations of graphs and data to realize the dynamic refreshing of SVG graphs at Web .

  29. 分析了原有的图形系统,并采用较新的可升级的矢量图(SVG)图形格式,实现了从原有的图形系统到新的图形系统的转换。

    It analyzes the deficiency of the old graphical system and adopts the new graphical system SVG ( Scalable Sector Graphics ) to implement the transition from the original system to a new one .

  30. 嵌入式图形系统Nano-X采用分层的体系结构和客户服务器模型,具有运行稳定、占用系统资源少等特点。

    The embedded graphic system & Nano-X adopts layered architecture and client-server module with stabilization and requiring low expense .