
  • 网络The Economist
  1. 在他担任编辑期间,《经济家》开始定期刊登体育报道。

    Under his editorship , the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage .

  2. 但是国际货币基金组织的首席经济家奥利维尔·布兰查德表示,风险依然存在。

    But the IMF 's chief economist Olivier Blanchard says risks remain .

  3. 但是本周,一位资深的政府经济家也暗示改革即将破茧而出。

    But this week a senior government economist also hinted at a coming shift .

  4. 部分行为经济家表示,环保人士会利好自然环境。

    Some behavioral economists argue that environmentalists would do well to appeal to our better natures .

  5. 在2011年雇用将会回升,但是不足够显著地降低失业率,经济家预测。

    Hiring will pick up in2011 , but not enough to significantly lower the unemployment rate , economists forecast .

  6. 西方媒体和经济家们都是疯狂的精神病,都渴望看到中国衰退的来临。

    The Western Media and economists fret between bouts of schizophrenic fears and hope for the coming Collapse of China .

  7. 虽然雇主遭受了高额的离职成本,但劳动经济家表示,由于个人倾向于更好的工作,离职通常是健康劳动力市场的信号。

    While employers high turnover costs , labor economists say churn typically signals a healthy labor market as individuals gravitate to better jobs .

  8. 战略联盟不同于纯粹的市场和一体化企业,被众多当代经济家视为企业发展全球战略最迅速、最经济的途径。

    Corporate strategic alliance as a new organization of modern companies is considered by many contemporary economists as the most speedy and economical method for global strategy .

  9. “(这就是为什么词语”绿色工作“总是频繁出现。)部分行为经济家表示,环保人士会利好自然环境。

    ( This is why we hear so much about " green jobs . ") Some behavioral economists argue that environmentalists would do well to appeal to our better natures .

  10. 成本与收益分析是经济家经常用来评估公共投资效益的一项工具,它追求的是测定投资的有形和无形收益,并将收益与成本相比较分析。

    Cost-benefit analysis ( CBA ) is an economist 's tool for evaluating public investment , which seeks to identify both tangible and intangible benefits and compare these to the costs .

  11. 为了得到这个值,经济预测家必须更接近于实际数字。

    To have value . a forecast must be closer to the actual numbers .

  12. 经济预测家如果在指望经济快速强劲的回复,可能只是自欺欺人。

    Economic forecasters may be deluding themselves if they are counting on a quick , strong recovery .

  13. 侯赛因是一个不称职的经济管理家,政权内的高管们都腐败成性;

    Hussein was a poor economic manager , letting corruption flourish far too widely at the top level ;

  14. 威尔逊同意大多数经济预测家的观点,即今年全球经济的表现将继续强劲。

    Mr Wilson agrees with the majority of economic forecasters who predict a continuing strong performance from the world economy this year .

  15. 鲁比尼说:现在我坐在他旁边,你们应该叫我繁荣博士,他指的是会上另一位经济预测家彼得o希夫。

    Next to him you should call me Dr. Boom , said Roubini , referring to Peter Schiff , another economic forecaster on the panel .

  16. 我父亲孩提时代正逢经济大萧条家中十分拮据

    My father grew up very poor during the Depression .

  17. 对经济全球化中国家安全问题的几点思考

    Issues of national safety in the globalization of economy

  18. 母系氏族社会最基本的经济单位是家户经济。

    In the maternal society , the basic economic unit is the family economy .

  19. 论经济全球化中国家的被动防护作用与积极作用

    On the Passively Defending Role and the Active Role of the State in Economic Globalization

  20. 本文论述了19世纪后半叶有开拓型的经济企业管理家郑观应的经济管理思想。

    ZHENG Guan - ying is a pioneering enterpriser and manager in the late 19th century .

  21. 和谐竞争理论、特定基本经济制度和家文化传统将决定中国公司治理模式的特色。

    The corporate governance with Chinese characteristics depends on the harmonious competitive theory , special basic economic system and family cultural tradition .

  22. 正是合作化导致了社会经济领域中国家&基层社会关系的扭曲和错位。

    So in the social economic field , rural cooperative movement itself results in the inaccuracy and distortion between state and grass root-society .

  23. 尽管面对20世纪30年代以来持续时间最长的经济衰退,这家公司却一直经营良好。

    In the teeth of the longest recession since the 1930s , the company continues to perform well .

  24. 对当代经济法视野中国家职能的思考

    Consideration for state function from the aspect of modern economic law

  25. 他的薪水使他能在经济上不依靠家里。

    His wages enabled him to become economically independent of his family .

  26. 经济衰退时期这家工厂解雇了许多工人

    During the economic recession the factory terminate a large number of worker

  27. 经济衰退时期这家工厂解雇了许多工人。

    During the economic recession the factory terminated a large number of workers .

  28. 旅游业的生态效益和经济效益&一家西班牙连锁饭店的经验

    Eec-efficiency & Economical Benefits in The Tourism Sector - Experiences from a Spanish Hotel Chain

  29. 经济恐慌使许多家公司倒闭。

    The financial panic busted many firms .

  30. 尽管经济萧条,这家餐厅依然维持住了原来的生意。

    The restaurant has maIntaIned the same volume of busIness In spite of the recession .