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  1. 采用FPGA控制电子快门时间。捕获图像经像增强器放大后,由荧光屏耦合到CCD光敏面;

    The electronic shutter time is controlled by FPGA After magnified by the image intensifier , the captured image is coupled to light sensing area of CCD via a fluorescence screen ;

  2. 我们的帐篷再也经不起像上次那样的风暴了。

    Our tent won 't stand another storm like the last one .

  3. 然而,两国都经不起像工业国长久以来那样浪费行事&工业国这种做法损害了它们的利益。

    However , neither nation can afford to proceed as wastefully as the industrial countries have , to their detriment , done for so long .

  4. 可是,北方佬再也经不起像弗雷德里克斯堡和昌塞洛斯维尔这样的惨败了,他们会被迫投降,那时残酷的战争便可宣告结束了。

    But the Yankees just could n 't stand any more defeats like Fredericksburg and chancellorsville . they 'd have to give in , and then this cruel war would be over .

  5. 经阴道彩色多普勒像在早期诊断输卵管妊娠中的临床价值

    Clinical Value of Transvaginal CDFI in the Diagnosis of Early Tubal Pregnancy Transvaginal Color Doppler Investigation of the Hemodynamics in Early Tubal Pregnancy

  6. 散列一经创建,将像水印一样附着在内容上,令这些内容易于被识别和删除。

    Once created , the hash would be attached like a watermark to content , which would then be easy to identify and take down .