
  1. 但是无论是跨所有网络虚拟主机系统上一致有效的升级,还是彼此独自运行烦琐而不完善的方案,都不足于阻止人们使用低技术含量的网页设计器。

    But neither is available consistently across all web hosting systems and each is just fiddly and imperfect enough to deter less technical web designers from using it .

  2. 这个工具可以与kvm模块协同工作,使用/dev/kvm来加载客户操作系统,将它与虚拟磁盘(主机操作系统中的一个普通文件)关联起来,然后启动客户操作系统。

    This utility works with the kvm module , using / dev / kvm to load a guest , associate it with the virtual disk ( a regular file in the host operating system ), and then boot it .

  3. 另一方面,近年来流行的虚拟机部署在削减了物理服务器数量的同时,由于其低成本、易扩展的特性,大大增加了虚拟主机数量和系统复杂性,对监控工作提出了更高的要求。

    In recent years , the virtual machine has low cost and scalable features , it reduce the number of physical servers , but increase the number of virtual hosts and system complexity , and require more monitoring work .