
  1. 其中,3D虚拟头盔系统的迅速发展给世界及中国即将到来的数字电视3D虚拟现实系统带来了重要的契机和希望。

    And it is the rapid development of 3D virtual HMD system that brings great chances to realize Digital TV 3D virtual system all over the world and china .

  2. Pao没有透露到目前为止虚拟头盔的订购量,但据说效果远远超出预期。

    Pao declined to reveal exactly how many Vive headsets had been pre-ordered so far , but said the results were " beyond our expectations . "

  3. 那些数据将三星(Samsung)的GearVR和谷歌的Daydream那样的移动虚拟头盔包括在内,移动虚拟头盔比Rift和Vive便宜得多,因为它们用智能手机做显示屏、并使用其运算能力。

    Those figures include mobile VR headsets such as Samsung 's Gear VR and Google 's Daydream , which are much cheaper than the Rift or Vive because they use a smartphone for their display and computing power .

  4. 研究了塑料透镜在3D虚拟显示头盔光学系统中的应用,设计了适用于眼镜式虚拟微显示器的全塑料(聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂-PMMA)光学系统。

    The properties of plastic lens applied in3D virtual displays are studied and a Polymethyl Methacrylate ( PMMA ) optical system for glasses-type virtual displays is presented .

  5. (大多数虚拟现实头盔可提供40度的视角,而Rift则可以提供110度的视角,能够提供更加身临其境的游戏体验)。

    ( while most virtual reality headsets offer a 40-degree perspective , rift serves up a 110-degree view for a more immersive experience . )

  6. 乐视在过去一个月里还发布了新的智能手机、智能电视、虚拟现实头盔及配备可使用Android系统的触摸屏的“超级自行车”。

    In the past month , the group has also revealed a new smartphone , smart TV , virtual reality headset and " super bike " with an Android-enabled touchscreen .

  7. 该公司的最新款梦神(Morpheus)虚拟现实头盔可与PlayStationMove体感控制器协同工作,允许穿戴者使用自己的双手。

    The latest version of its Morpheus VR headset works in coordination with PlayStation Move controllers to allow the wearer to use his or her hands .

  8. 智能手机制造商宏达电(HTC)计划发布一款新的虚拟现实头盔,希望借此普及下一代沉浸式游戏技术。这将是HTC首次踏入日益拥挤的虚拟现实市场。

    Smartphone maker HTC plans its first move into the increasingly crowded virtual reality market with a new headset that it hopes will popularise the next generation of immersive gaming technology .

  9. 虚拟现实头盔OculusRift配有7寸屏幕,让视频游戏行业的许多人垂涎三尺,因为它可以带来更丰富的游戏体验。

    Enter the oculus rift , a virtual reality headset with a 7-inch screen that has many in the video game industry salivating over the promise of richer gaming experiences .

  10. 手机厂商HTC宣布,公司与电子游戏厂商Valve合作开发的虚拟现实头盔将推迟至明年发布,Vive头盔原定于在年底各大假期前发布。

    The phone maker , which partnered with video game company Valve for its virtual reality headset , delays the device to next year . It was supposed to launch in time for the holidays .

  11. 也许还要10年时间,虚拟现实头盔才能变得足够便宜、轻便,取代智能手机成为科技业主流的计算平台,虚拟现实头盔制造商OculusVR的创始人提醒说。

    It could be a decade before virtual reality headsets become cheap and portable enough to replace smartphones as the tech industry 's dominant computing platform , the founder of Oculus VR has warned .

  12. 手机厂商HTC周二宣布,将该款虚拟现实头盔将被推迟至2016年4月发布,比原定于今年提供限量销售的计划推迟了4个月。

    Phone maker HTC said Tuesday it is delaying its virtual reality goggles until April 2016 , more than four months later than the original plan to offer the device for sale in limited quantities this year .

  13. 脸书旗下的Oculus即将推出备受瞩目的虚拟现实头盔RiftVR,预售价599美元。国际电子消费展挤满了生产类似设备和产品的公司,这些公司争相布局竞争性产品、进行相关宣传,吸引人们走进虚拟世界。

    Facebook-owned Oculus began taking pre-orders for its eagerly-anticipated Rift VR headsets at a price of $ 599 , and CES was rife with companies scrambling to field competing devices or content that could draw people into faux worlds .

  14. 他承认,现在虚拟现实头盔的设计在外形上“显然并非理想”。

    He acknowledges that the current headset design is " obviously not the ideal " form factor .

  15. 他头上佩带的虚拟现实头盔让他看到一个房间,里面有一名年长的女性和一名年轻女孩,接着头盔将视角转换成年轻女孩的视角。

    His virtual reality headset was showing him a woman and a young girl in a room and transport him into the girl 's body .

  16. 扎克伯格补充说,他打算教会该系统把数据转化为可视形式,让他能够用一台虚拟现实头盔观看。

    Mr Zuckerberg added that he intended to teach the system to turn data into visual representations that he could see with a virtual reality headset .

  17. 它们还在竞相打造下一个平台,从虚拟现实头盔到无人驾驶汽车,再到由人工智能驱动的数字化助理。

    They are also racing each other to build the next platforms , from virtual reality headsets to driverless cars and digital assistants powered by artificial intelligence .

  18. 将人眼注视方向上的局部高分辨率图像插入到背景图像的相应位置,可以解决传统虚拟现实头盔视场与分辨率之间的矛盾。

    Inserting the high resolution image at gazing direction into the background image , might resolve the conflicts between the large field of view and the high resolution in conventional head_mounted_display ( HMD ) .

  19. 其他方面应用的数字也同样惨淡:今年虚拟现实头盔的预计销量为200万套,服务器销量为1200万台,就连苹果手表的销量也只有2000万块。

    The numbers pan out similarly miserably for other applications : the 2m virtual reality headsets expected to be sold this year ; the 12m annual servers sold or even the 20m Apple watches .

  20. 功能强大的虚拟现实头盔在2016年首次面世后并没有风靡。不过,预计2021年使用这项技术的用户将大幅增加。

    Though virtual reality 's first year with some powerful consumer headsets on the market , 2016 , wasn 't exactly a blockbuster , the technology is expected to be on a lot more faces come 2021 .

  21. 军用虚拟现实头盔显示器已成为国防高科技重点发展的技术项目,在研发、生产高新尖武器装备和军事训练方面具有举足轻重的作用。

    The military virtual reality head-mounted displays have become a very important technology item in national defense of the high-tech field , they have an important effect in research and development of new type weapons and drill aspects .

  22. 中国科技集团乐视(LeEco)周三在旧金山举行了一场盛大但略带波折的落地美国发布会。乐视在会上揭幕了互联网电视、智能手机和新的视频流服务,以及概念款虚拟现实头盔、电动汽车和自行车。

    LeEco , the Chinese tech group , announced its arrival in the US at a splashy but haphazard event in San Francisco on Wednesday , unveiling a suite of connected TVs , smartphones and a new video streaming service , as well as concepts for a virtual reality headset and electric cars and bikes .

  23. 3D虚拟数字电视头盔显示系统的研制

    3D Virtual Digital Television HMD System Design and Manufacture

  24. 公司在今年3月宣布将与电子游戏厂商Valve合作开发虚拟现实Vive头盔,Valve(威乐软件)因其电子游戏半条命等系列游戏和Steam在线服务名声大噪。

    The company announced the Vive in March as part of a partnership with Valve , which is known for its Half-Life video games and Steam online store .

  25. 本系统不仅可广泛应用于虚拟现实系统头盔和数据手套的三维定位定向,还可应用于机器人控制与定位定向和多媒体系统等领域。

    The system can also be used for the control and location of robot and multi-media system etc.

  26. 虚拟现实系统头盔与数据手套的三维精确定向与定位系统与设计

    Principle and Design of Precise 3-D Orientation and Location System for Headpiece and Digital Glove of Virtual Reality System

  27. 虚拟实境游戏头盔制造商“欧酷拉”公司的工程师们坦言,晕屏也是他们面临的最大问题之一。

    Engineers at Oculus VR , the virtual headset manufacturer , have admitted that digital motion sickness is one of their biggest problems .

  28. 针对实验室的光学透视式增强现实系统的组成特点,选定了虚拟摄像机(头盔显示器与人眼的结合)的标定算法。

    Based on our system , this paper selects the calibration algorithm of the virtual camera which models the combination of HMD and user 's eye .

  29. 虚拟现实系统中头盔显示器的构建技术

    Head mounted display building technology in virtual reality system

  30. 基于虚拟现实技术的头盔式汽车驾驶模拟器的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Vehicle Driving System for Helmet Mounted Display Based on Virtual Reality Technology