
  • 网络Virtual Role;avatar;fictional character;virtual actor
  1. 此时此地我是艾迪,与此同时,我的另一面是一个四四方方的虚拟角色,昵称是赛博弗兰克。

    I 'm Eddie who is here , and at the same time , my alter ego is a big green boxy avatar nicknamed Cyber Frank .

  2. RadM造型系统是我们针对虚拟现实场景造型和虚拟角色造型的需要,构造的一个界面简洁友好、操作方便的造型系统。

    We have built a concise and powerful geometry modeling system , which is named RadM . optimized to the scenery construction and virtual avatar shaping to meet the increasing demands of Virtual Reality , computer animation and computer games .

  3. 3D游戏场景中虚拟角色的智能寻径应用研究

    Research and Application of Intelligent Path-finding with Virtual Characters in 3D Game Environment

  4. 在每部续集和新游戏《最后生还者》(TheLastofUs)的开发过程中,从捕捉性能,让虚拟角色栩栩如生的技术人员到丰富且令人上瘾的游戏体验,艾米亨尼格负责监管一切事务。

    With each sequel , as well as the new The Last of Us , Amy Hennig has overseen everything from the performance-captured actors that bring the virtual characters to life to the rich and addictive gameplay .

  5. 基于PFA的虚拟角色行为辅助设计工具

    Behavior Assistant Designing Tool for Virtual Character Based on PFA

  6. 在日本的宅男文化中,称虚拟角色为老婆是一个传统。我慢慢的也就觉得Nene就是我的老婆了。

    In the Japanese otaku or nerd culture , there 's a tradition of calling characters ' my wife ' , and I sort of thought of Nene as my wife .

  7. 动画自动生成系统中的智能虚拟角色的研究

    A Study of Virtual Character in Automatic Generation of Computer Animation

  8. 交互式进化计算在虚拟角色表情建模中的应用

    Application of interactive evolutionary computation in virtual actor 's expression modeling

  9. 无疑,虚拟角色的知识产权保护问题值得我们去研究与探讨。

    Undoubtedly , the Research deserves to be discussed and studied .

  10. 于是我们的虚拟角色的属性会是这样子的:

    Here 's how our hypothetical character from earlier would turn out :

  11. 成功的虚拟角色能够对公众产生无限的吸引力与影响力。

    Successful Fictitious characters has great influence and attractive on the public .

  12. 相对于作品本身而言,虚拟角色是个较为边缘化的概念。

    As far as works is concerned , fictional character is an edge question .

  13. 而美国对虚拟角色实行的著作权法保护,有一套相对完整的保护体系。

    America has a relative complete system to protect fictional character by Trademark Law .

  14. 虚拟角色动作编辑及运动控制

    Virtual actor action editing and movement control

  15. 第一部分论证对虚拟角色提供特殊法律保护的必要性。

    The first part talks about the necessity of special legal protection of fictional characters .

  16. 第三部分研究了虚拟角色商品化权法律关系的构成。

    The third part of the composition of the virtual character merchandising rights legal relationship .

  17. 能够应用于动作技能教学的虚拟角色技术也越来越成熟。

    That can be applied to teaching skill of virtual role technology are more mature .

  18. 论作品虚拟角色的法律保护

    Legal Protections on Fictional Characters of Works

  19. 因此,我国可以在一定程度上借鉴美国的保护机制来完善我国对虚拟角色的保护。

    So we can protect fictional character by learning practice of America to some extent .

  20. 美国保护虚拟角色的法律模式及其借鉴

    On the Legal Mode of Protection to the Fictional Characters in the USA and Its Reference

  21. 虚拟角色本身是创造性作品中为作者所塑造的具有鲜明个性特征的艺术形象。

    Fictitious characters is one kind of artistic images with distinct personality traits in creative works .

  22. 同时,由于虚拟角色的自由转换,它又与传统的戏剧行为有所区别。

    At the same time , it is different from the traditional dramatic action to change the suppositional role .

  23. 但是我国并未将虚拟角色明确作为知识产权法所保护的对象。

    However , the Intellectual Property Law of China does not consider Fictitious characters as an explicitly protected object .

  24. 网络信任的施信者与被信者都是有目的的行动者所创建出来的虚拟角色。

    Both the trustors and the trustees of trust online are the virtual characters created by the purposeful actors .

  25. 并在此基础上,试图理出适合我国虚拟角色商品化法律保护的路径选择。

    On the basis of this , thesis will conclude legal protection route suitable to China virtual character commoditization .

  26. 简述了面向编钟乐舞的虚拟角色的动作库制作过程。

    It is simply introduced the course of the motion database on a virtual model for the Bianzhong choreography .

  27. 知名虚拟角色蕴含巨大号召力和吸引力,通过商业化开发可以成为极富显著性和广告价值的商业符号。

    Famous fictional characters embody giant commercial appeal , which can be transformed into merchandizing symbol of significant distinctiveness and advertisement value .

  28. 化好妆,戴上假发,穿上精美的服装,这个24岁女孩摇身一变成为大家所喜爱的虚拟角色。

    Using make-up , wigs and detailed costumes , the 24-year-old undergoes a physical change , turning herself into adored fictional characters .

  29. 将模糊神经网络应用于虚拟角色面部表情的建模,并用遗传算法结合交互式进化计算训练模糊神经网络。

    Fuzzy neural network was used to accommodate director 's expert knowledge so that appropriate virtual actor 's facial expression could be produced .

  30. 本文以智能动画自动生成技术为背景,围绕三维场景中虚拟角色的路径规划问题进行深入地研究。

    Based on the automatic generation technology of computer animation , this paper focuses on the problem of 3D path planning for virtual characters .