
  1. 才X就Y在传达说话者的主观情感信息过程中,以出乎意料为语义基础,既可以传达积极情感信息,又可以传达消极情感信息。

    The sentence pattern can transmit the information of speaker 's subjective emotion based on " unexpected " . It can transmit both positive and passive emotion information .

  2. 多媒体人机交互界面(HCI)中的图像/视频不仅携带了大量的图像信息,还携带了大量的情感信息。

    The images / video in multimedia Human-Computer Interface ( HCI ) not only carry a large amount of image information , but also carry a lot of emotional information .

  3. 远程教育中情感信息的建模与处理方法研究

    The Modeling and Research on Affective Information in Distance Education

  4. 新闻情感信息的概念界定及特点分析

    Definition of the Concept of News Emotional Information and Analysis of the Features

  5. 地图情感信息视觉传达设计

    Design of Visual Transmitting in Map Emotion Information

  6. 任何一种艺术符号的主要功能都是对情感信息的传达。

    The main function of any sort of artistic symbols is to convey affective information .

  7. 同时这种情感信息的表达又具有层次性特征。

    And the transmission of emotion information is possessed of the characteristic of different levels .

  8. 本文提出的识别模型的训练样本涵盖了全局和时序两类情感信息,从而能更全面的描述情感状态。

    The training samples of the proposed recognition model contain global and instantaneous emotional features .

  9. 合成的语音在听觉和视觉上都能准确的表达情感信息。

    Synthesized speech can express emotional information in visual and audio aspects accurately and vividly .

  10. 本文采用传递闭包法处理语音情感信息。

    The paper introduced the way of transitive closure to dispose the speech emotion recognition .

  11. 基于语音声学特征的情感信息识别

    Speech emotion recognition using acoustic features

  12. 因此对语音情感信息的识别成为更智能化的人机交互的研究关键。

    It is a key for more intelligent human-computer interaction to research the speech emotion recognition .

  13. 对于他们来说,那些萦绕于心的并且通常毫无关联的映象取代了表现主义所要表达的直接情感信息。

    For them , obsessive and often unrelated images replaced the direct emotional messages of expressionism .

  14. 普通语言以传递理性信息为主,艺术语言则附载了情感信息和美学信息。

    General language mainly passes on rational information while the language of art em-bodies emotional and aesthetic information .

  15. 现代教育心理研究认为,在教学过程中既包含认知信息的交互也包含情感信息的交互。

    The Modern educational psychology research indicated that it included the interaction of the cognition and emotion information .

  16. 情感信息在人们感知外界事物和做出某种决策过程中都起着非常重要的作用。

    Emotional information plays a significant role in the process of perceiving the external world and making some decisions .

  17. 情感信息与语言信息有共同的声学特征,只是二者反映的信息不同。

    Emotional information and language information of the acoustic characteristics have common properties , but they reflect the different information .

  18. 视觉元素在残酷的缺席并没有以任何方式削弱影片的强烈的情感信息。

    The absence of cruelty in visual elements didn 't diminish the movie 's powerful emotional message in any way .

  19. 情绪智力作为一种对自身和他人的情绪情感信息进行加工的能力,对认知和行为发展具有积极的作用。

    As an ability of processing emotions , EI , is positive for the development of both cognition and behavior .

  20. 在论文总结的系统设计方法的指导下,实现了基于《网页设计》网络课程的远程学习者情感信息档案袋的开发。

    According to the system design methods , develop an emotional information portfolio of distance learners which based online course .

  21. 从信号处理的观点来看,语音信号不仅包括了文字信息,还包括了说话人的语调和情感信息。

    From the signal processing point of view , speech signal includes the linguistic information , speaker 's tone and emotion .

  22. 它是传递社会情感信息的重要方式,也是重要的人际交往指标。

    It is an important way that transferring social emotional information , and also is an important index of human communication .

  23. 语音信号中情感信息的识别对改善人机交互能力有着关键性的作用,它能有效地改善呆板的人机交互服务,提高人机交互的亲切性和准确性。

    Emotion recognition from speech has key role in improving human-computer interaction . It will make the computer services more kindly .

  24. 人类的面部表情比看上去的还要微妙,并且很难确定这些情感信息的来源。

    Human facial expressions are subtler than they look , and it 's hard to determine the source of emotional information .

  25. 语音信号中的参数有多种,本文在比较和总结的基础上,选定了三种参数来综合的识别语音信号中的情感信息。

    Compare a variety of parameters in emotional speech signal and summary three parameters to identify the emotion state in voice signal .

  26. 教育的三个基本要素教师、学生、教学内容(教材)之间不仅进行着认知信息的传递,也发生着情感信息的交流。

    The there elements of education , teacher , student and teaching contents , not only exchange different information but also emotions .

  27. 因此,如何有效地提取网络评论文本中的情感信息,是提高情感分类效果的关键。

    Hence , how to extract the emotion information of network comment text effectively is the key to improve the emotional classification results .

  28. 因此,可以通过挖掘在线评论中蕴含的情感信息去充分考虑在线消费者的非理性因素,从而更好的进行购买行为的预测。

    So it is possible to study the irrationality of online consumers by analyzing sentiment information that online reviews contain for better prediction .

  29. 同时我们发现了在处理情感信息过程中起关键作用的一个重要结构。

    And also in a very important structures that is known to have a crucial role in processing emotional information , they omit that .

  30. 课堂教学信息系统是由语言信息、行为信息和情感信息三个要素构成的。

    The information system of the classroom teaching is constitute by the language information , behavior information and the emotion information three main factor .