
qíng huái
  • feelings
情怀 [qíng huái]
  • [feelings] 含有某种感情的心境

  • 畅舒情怀

情怀[qíng huái]
  1. 该研究的ElizabethMorgan教授认为,女性一般跟同性感情上很亲近,这也给亲密感和恋爱情怀在彼此间滋生发展创造了条件。

    Women are encouraged to be emotionally close to each other . That provides an opportunity for intimacy and romantic feelings to develop , says Professor Elizabeth Morgan from the study .

  2. 爱国情怀不仅深深地印在教师思想之中,也影响了一代又一代的学生。

    Patriotic feelings affect generation after generation of teachers and students .

  3. 这部小说对战前时期的情怀把握得恰到好处。

    The novel captures the feeling of the pre-war period to a T.

  4. 这部当代风尚喜剧杂糅了悲悯的情怀和尖酸的幽默。

    This comedy of contemporary manners is told with compassion and acid humour .

  5. 总统已经呼吁巴西人民要有爱国情怀和集体主义精神。

    The president has appealed to the Brazilian people for patriotism and community spirit .

  6. 她坚定的浪漫主义情怀让我感到担忧。

    Her determined romanticism was worrying me

  7. 他满怀着爱国情怀。

    He is penetrated with patriotic feeling .

  8. 人生的真正安身立命之处,只能在哀乐相生的情怀中。

    The real value of life only exists in the transcendence of life between sadness and happiness .

  9. 要倡导尊重自然、爱护自然的绿色价值观念,让天蓝地绿水清深入人心,形成深刻的人文情怀。

    We need to advocate the value of green development that reveres and cares for nature so that blue skies , green fields and clear waters will be a vision cherished by all .

  10. “每个公民都要关心政治,而责任意识、大局意识,同胞情怀,和尚也同样应该有”。

    SHI MINGSHENG , NPC deputy and abbot of the Guangxiao Temple in Guangzhou , Guangdong province " Every citizen should care about politics and have the consciousness of responsibility as well as love for our compatriots . And a monk should , also . " ZHENG HUIQIANG , member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-president of Tongji University

  11. Townhouse做为一种居住文化的载体,显现出人文情怀与自然倾向。

    Townhouse is a carrier of dwelling culture .

  12. 但SUNW代表的毕竟是过去,虽然我们对它有着难以割舍的情怀,我们仍然决定要向前看。

    But SUNW represents the past , and its not without a nostalgic nod that we 've decided to look ahead .

  13. 郭璞游仙诗中的山水情怀对后世诗歌的影响,特别兴起山水诗的发展。

    Especially , the rise of the development of landscape poetry .

  14. 然而不变的是内心的情怀!

    However , the same is the inner thoughts and feelings !

  15. 歌者兼具诗人的情怀和乐手的浪漫。

    Singer is thing to grip poet feeling and musician romance .

  16. 他们有你一样的情怀与念想。

    They have the same feelings and you want to read .

  17. 这些诗感情洋溢,充满了浪漫主义情怀。

    They are full of emotion and romanticism , she says .

  18. 大众文化语境下的人间情怀

    Feelings of Human World under the Linguistic Context of People 's Culture

  19. 劳伦斯的小说创作蕴含着深沉的忧患意识和执着的拯救情怀。

    Lawrence implied the worried consciousness and rescuing feelings in his novels .

  20. 论孔子的政治情怀和他对中国传统士人的影响

    On Confucius 's Political Feelings And His Influences on Chinese Traditional Scholars

  21. 儒家诗统和宋诗情怀

    Confucian Poetic Tradition and Feelings of Poets of Song China

  22. 《百合花》中女性化的神圣情怀浅析

    An Analytical Study of the Holy Feminine Sensibility in Lily

  23. 思乡情怀的表达是古代文学的一个重要主题。

    Homesick emotion is a main subject in ancient literature .

  24. 历史理性与人文情怀的双重张力&新时期官场文学略论

    Literary Works on Officialdom of the New Period : Ration and Humanity

  25. 完美地体现出君子坦荡荡的情怀,静思怀远的志向!

    Perfect gentleman aboveboard reflect the sentiments meditations Huaiyuan ambitions !

  26. 论劳伦斯小说创作中的忧患意识与拯救情怀

    On the Worried Consciousness and Rescuing Feelings of D.H Lawrence 's Novels

  27. 一碗饭运动与近代中国民众的爱国情怀

    " Bowl of Rice Movement " and Contemporary Chinese Patriotism

  28. 言语中,科里法国人的浪漫情怀不禁自然流露。

    What he says unconsciously reveals the French romance in his nature .

  29. 论柴科夫斯基音乐中的民族情怀与悲剧性

    On the Ethnic Sentiment and Tragic in Tchaikovsky 's Music

  30. 科学追求知识与智能,人文追求感悟与情怀;

    Science pursuits knowledge and wisdom , while humanism pursuits embody and affection ;