
jī áng
  • roused;aroused;excited and indignant;be emotionally wrought up
激昂 [jī áng]
  • [roused;aroused;excited and indignant] 振奋激励,激励;奋发昂扬

  • 激昂大义。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • 言辞激昂

激昂[jī áng]
  1. 群情激昂。

    The crowd went wild .

  2. 她声音激昂,目光如火。

    Her voice is passionate . Her eyes are ablaze .

  3. 一时间群情激昂。

    A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd .

  4. 演讲到言辞激昂之处,他自己和他指导的一些运动员不禁热泪盈眶。

    He reached oratorical heights which left him and some of his players in tears .

  5. 总统和记者说起叛乱时,情绪激昂。

    The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion .

  6. 群情激昂。

    Popular feeling ran high .

  7. 会场上响起激昂嘹亮的歌声。

    The meeting hall resounded with impassioned , lusty singing .

  8. 他的演讲使群情激昂。

    His speech inflamed popular feelings .

  9. 他谈吐激昂。

    He spoke with heat .

  10. 这位激昂的演说家把无所事事的富人同终日辛劳的工人阶级进行了对比。

    The fiery orator contrasted the idle rich with the toiling working classes .

  11. 响起来,号角,响起来,让激昂的回声在空中震荡“。

    Blow , bugles , blow , set the wild echoes flying . "

  12. 她对他的激昂感到惊讶。

    She was astonished at his vehemence .

  13. 3.fierya.炽热的,热烈的,暴躁的那政客作了一次激昂的演讲。

    The politician gave a fiery speech .

  14. 现在,iOS与安卓双方阵营群情激昂。

    Emotions are running high on both sides of the IOS / Android divide .

  15. 2010年,科尔作为TNT直播的一员见证了勒布朗-詹姆斯回到克里夫兰的一幕,观众们群情激昂。

    In 2010 , Kerr was part of the TNT broadcast of LeBron James ' return to Cleveland . That crowd was emotional .

  16. 英国商务大臣文斯凯布尔(vincecable)以一句“下议院内外都是群情激昂”作为开场白,拉开了围绕大学经费问题的5小时辩论。

    Vince Cable , the business secretary , opened the five-hour house of Commons debate on university funding by admitting there were " strong feelings inside and outside the house " .

  17. 在团队群情激昂地齐声朗诵以下的领导力标准时,我们坚定地看到了KRRP光明的未来。

    The entire team recited below leadership together with great passion , from which we can see the bright and promising future of KRRP without any doubt .

  18. 激昂的音乐使听众的情绪激奋。

    The stirring music acted on the emotions of the audience .

  19. 那激昂的音乐使学生们情绪激昂。

    The inspiring music acted on the emotions of the students .

  20. 佛瑞登的军队因你的激昂演说而振奋起来。

    The armies of Ferelden were inspired by a rousing speech .

  21. 我的叔叔给了我们一个最激昂的欢迎会。

    Our uncle faced us with the most emotional reception ever .

  22. 孤独更多地产生人生的诗情&激昂的和伤感的。

    She inspires the mood for poems , passionate of pathetic .

  23. 我们最后热情激昂地合唱了国歌。

    We sang a last rousing chorus of the national anthem .

  24. 我希望你有足够的幸福使你情绪激昂。

    I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirits up .

  25. 但是,我认为这地方令人情绪激昂!

    But , yeah , I think the place is energising !

  26. 你那激昂的演说会使我丢掉饭碗。

    Your IittIe rant could have cost me my job .

  27. 他只是不停地唱,唱得清晰而激昂。

    And he just kept on singing , Singing clear and strong .

  28. 我们听到了一片战备声&那激昂的战鼓

    We hear the sound of preparation-the music of boisterous drums

  29. 我喜欢司各特是因为其作品清新、率真而文思激昂。

    I like Scott for his freshness , dash and large honesty .

  30. 参与者观看感情激昂的文字、视频、表情和故事。

    Participants viewed emotion-laden words , videos , facial expressions and stories .