
  • 网络emotional feeling
  1. 我们对自己的情感感受,无法收发自如。

    I mean , we don 't have that kind of direct control over our feelings .

  2. 其空间形态是一种空间与人的情感感受互相交融的组合体。

    It is a combination body that the space and the man sensibility each other action and amalgamation .

  3. 3个层次分别为社会表达与控制、社会感受和情感感受与控制。

    The 3 hierarchies are : social expressivity and control , social sensitivity , and emotional sensitivity and control .

  4. 对某人有了情感感受,拼命克制,却难以自拔。我们都曾有个这种经历。

    We 've all had these kind of experiences where we 've had these feelings and wished we could get rid of them .

  5. 我们最多可以说:“从我可以回忆起来的时候开始,我就有这种情感感受了。”

    I mean the best you can say is that " I 've had these feelings as long as I can remember . "

  6. 比如,它在情感感受与具体行为之间,划出了一条非常清晰的界线,而界线的两边,情感感受和具体行为实际上却往往不是那么泾渭分明的两种事物。

    For one thing , it draws a very sharp contrast between feelings and activities , when the contrast between those things is not always so sharp .

  7. 根据在受众内心引发的情感感受的差异,体育悲剧报道可以划分为悲壮性、悲悯性、悲愤性三种类型。

    According to different feelings of audience , reports of tragedy in sports can be divided into three patterns : solemn and stirring , sympathetic and aggrieved .

  8. 你长久以来一直有这样的情感感受。好,不过,仅仅因为你一直有这样的情感感受,并不意味着你要将其付诸实践。

    You 've had these feelings for a long time , okay , but just because you 've had these feelings for a long time it doesn 't mean that you ought to act on them .

  9. 孤独感的社交需要理论认为孤独感是对社交需要未满足的反应,强调孤独感的情感或感受层面;

    Social Needs Theory suggests loneliness is a response to a relational deficit , and emphasizes the affective aspects of loneliness ;

  10. 我的理论是:艺术凝聚和传递情感和感受,否则它们在心灵中只处于朦胧和未成形的状态;

    My own theory is that art concentrates and channels emotions and experiences that would otherwise he inchoate and unformed in the psyche ;

  11. 因为一名出色的配音演员必须竭尽全力去理解他所配角色的情感和感受,所以,每个星期我们都在经历着跌宕起伏的情感波动。

    Because a good dubber must try his best to understand the emotions and feelings of the characters they dub , every week can be a real emotional roller coaster .

  12. 你会发现她使用颜色来抒发情感和感受,比如说画中人的衣服,就比实际上的颜色要鲜艳。

    All right ? You 'll see she uses color to convey emotion and feeling , like the subjects ' clothing for instance , it appears brighter than it really is .

  13. 用这种艺术语言去体现个人心中的情感,感受生活和环境给人造成的不同影响。是一种对生活美的体现。

    Use this art language to express their individual heart emotions , experience life and different influence to people caused by the environment , is a kind of beauty in life to reflect .

  14. 它的好处在于,这种区分提醒我们:我们都有很多并没有付诸行动的,或者本就不该付诸行动的情感和感受。

    It 's useful , in part , because it reminds us that we all have feelings that we don 't act upon , maybe shouldn 't act upon . I 'll give you an example .

  15. 是对社会情感的真实感受。

    Is a social-emotional true feelings .

  16. 福特欧洲甚至把其市场口号改得更具情感性:感受不同。

    Ford of Europe even has changed its marketing slogan so it has a more emotional message : Feel the Difference .

  17. 首先,要遵循科学的培养原则,尊重主体情感需要、感受&体验为基础、情感与认知相互影响、彼此促进和层次性的原则作为大学生道德情感培养的原则。

    First it should follow the scientific principle : respecting the needs of subjects , basing onfeeling & experience , interacting and promoting the emotion and cognition .

  18. 融入中国元素的广告能映射中国的文化、智慧、哲理和审美,也就能从中召唤出特定的情感、文化感受、社会意义、历史文化意义和风俗民情等。

    Combined the " Chinese element " advertising can map the Chinese culture , wisdom , philosophy and aesthetic , which also can call out from a particular emotion , cultural experience , social significance , historical and cultural significance and meaning of customs .

  19. 这类情感类型的典型感受是虽然有成就但还是感到”表现不足“。

    A typical feeling in this emotional style is being deficient despite one 's accomplishments .

  20. 就连研究者的写这些标签并把标签贴在瓶底的情感都能被感受到。

    And the emotion of the researcher as the labels are being written and placed under those vials .

  21. 高职院校学生情绪情感问题调查研究感受情绪:你得知受术者的表层情绪。

    The Investigation and Analysis of Higher Vocational College Students ' Emotions Empathy . You know the subject 's surface emotions .

  22. 艺术作品更强调个人的内心世界,仍然把个人的情感体验,深切感受作为创作所表现的核心。

    Works of art is more emphasis on individual inner world , still put personal feelings , deep feelings as the core of the creative performance .

  23. 本文主要论述了对审美感知、情感、想象、感受与感动等美感意识特点的认识。

    This text has expounded the fact that knows , emotion , imagine in examining aesthetic feeling , experience and move the understanding when the consciousness characteristic of aesthetic feeling .

  24. 特定内容的需要、价值取向、智能发展、情感体验、审美感受等,需要以特定形态的活动去培养。

    Such factors as needs of specified content , value orientation , intelligence development , emotional experience and aesthetic feeling must be cultivated by means of specified manner , i. e. the relative correspondence between activities and development .

  25. 现代白话文学语言的形成除了特定地方语言的形式与结构,以及运用语言的技巧的制约,最终还要和作家沉淀萦绕在心里深处的情绪和情感、经验与感受有关。

    The modern vernacular literary language in addition to the formation and structure of specific local language , the restriction of language skills , as well as related to the emotion , experience , feeling deep in the heart .

  26. 由于男女生生长发育、体育态度、情感体验、实际感受等差异性,不同性别中学生体育习惯有显著性差异。

    However , there are distinguished differences in the sports habits between different sexes of students owing to the differences in body growth , sports attitudes , emotion experience , and actual feelings between boy students and girl students .

  27. 在评价系统中,情感是指所有能表达情感、情绪以及感受的词汇、语法资源。

    In Appraisal system , Affect refers to all the lexico-grammatical resources construing emotions , moods , feelings and dispositions .

  28. 铆焊作业对工人情感状态的影响②幸福是个体的情感体验和主观感受。

    The effect of riveting performance on workers ' affective status ( 2 ) wellbeing is individual 's emotional experience and subjective experience ;

  29. 基于情感体验的设计是一种从产品用户角度出发的设计方法,它主要以满足用户的情感体验和心理感受为目的。

    The process of writing is a systematic project completed by the common function of motivity emotion , subject emotion , experience emotion and object emotion .

  30. 艺术是艺术家表达情感并向观众传递感情信息的工具,艺术作品并不把已经存在于别处的美记录下来,而是表达艺术家的一种情感,这种情感是艺术家感受到的并且传达给观众的;

    ( 3 ) art is a tool that artists express their emotions and transit these emotions to audience ;