
  • 网络New Year movie;New Year Celebration;NEW
  1. 由于创作者的共同追求和他们所遵循的共同原则,贺岁片呈现鲜明的类型特征。

    Because the directors follow together with the common principle , New Year Movie presents the distinct type characteristic .

  2. 世纪末的狂欢&解析贺岁片

    The Carnival at the End of the Century & to Analyze New Year Celebration Films

  3. 而今年的贺岁片大战随着《龙门飞甲》和《金陵十三钗》的上映而硝烟四起,一场票房PK战也随之拉开帷幕!十二月是电影的黄金月。今年岁末有20多部影片激战贺岁档。

    This year , the holiday season has attracted more than 20 rival movies .

  4. 冯氏贺岁片:电影广告化生存法则

    Feng 's Spring Festival films : Surviving Rule of the Movies Tendency to Ads

  5. 贺岁片的诞生语境。

    Part two : Linguistic context of naissance .

  6. 他并非天生的贺岁片导演而是市场使然。

    He is not a born director of the new-year-movie , it is the market that makes that .

  7. 中国和香港在农历新年有自己的影片类型叫做“贺岁片”

    China and Hong Kong have a film genre called " hesuipian " devoted to Lunar New Year .

  8. 他还演过很多贺岁片,都演得非常棒。

    And he has also worked on many chinese new year films , which all had good acting skills .

  9. 《食神》是周星驰1996年出品的贺岁片,也是他在自己成立的公司下出品的第一部影片。

    《 The God Of Cooking 》 is produced in1996.And it is the first movie produced by Stephen Chow 's own company .

  10. 中国电影业从国产贺岁片中不仅重拾了票房市场,同时也拾起了电影产业化繁荣发展的信心。

    Chinese film industry regains its place in the box office market and the confidence in the prosperous development of the movie industry .

  11. 它是中国传统文化与现代科技文明相交融而衍生的词汇,“贺岁片”的兴起为中国人世纪末的狂欢创造了影像的新天地。

    They display mass culture in an exaggerated way and bring about a change to the Chinese people 's carnival at the end of this century .

  12. 三部贺岁片也因其俗中求雅的美学追求,使之既获得商业性成功,也具备了一定的文化品质。

    The films not only reached a commercial achievement and but also had some degree of culture character because of the aesthetics seeking for the refined from the popular .

  13. 进入21世纪第二个十年,在国产贺岁片的带动下,中国电影消费市场开始呈现出强劲的复苏势头。

    Entering the second decade of the 21st century , the Chinese film market , promoted by domestic New Year blockbusters , starts to gain a strong momentum of recovery .

  14. “贺岁片”作为特定时期上演的极度张扬大众文化指向的商业电影形态,登上了中国电影发展的历史舞台,根植于传统文化心理需求的“贺岁片”这个名词也就诞生了。

    As a kind of commercial film appearing at a particular time , the new year celebration films are produced in the collision between the Chinese traditional culture and the modern science and technology .

  15. 冯小刚导演一直是贺岁片,即欢庆新年的电影的代名词。节日期间,他常为观众献上适宜阖家观看的轻喜剧,如《非诚勿扰》。

    Director Feng Xiaogang has been synonymous with the hesuipian , or New Year 's celebration film , offering lighthearted comedic fare like If You Are the One for family viewing over the holidays .

  16. 上个世纪末,中国电影经历了很长一段时间的低迷期,冯氏贺岁片的高票房无疑给整个电影界注了一剂强心针。

    End of last century , Chinese films have undergone a long period of time of downturn , Feng Surreal in box office for the entire film industry will undoubtedly inject a shot in the arm .

  17. 从大众文化语境上来讲,冯氏贺岁片兴起于中国文化的大众化转型过程之中,电影的娱乐功能得到了充分重视,商业电影艺术化、艺术电影商业化正成为电影发展的趋势。

    Speaking from the context of popular culture , Feng Surreal rise in popularity of Chinese culture transformation process , Movie entertainment has been adequate attention , Commercial film art , art film movie business is becoming a trend .

  18. 伴随贺岁片的发展,电影明星们的银幕形象和媒体形象呈现得更加立体、丰富、多元,银幕外的表演与银幕内的同样精彩。

    Along with the Lunar New Year film development , the movie stars performance type and the media image are more three-dimensional , rich and diversified , these make the performances equally attractive in both inner and outer the screen .

  19. 警惕冯氏贺岁片中的文化毒素&评影片《非诚勿扰》我参看了一堆图片素材库、素描、材质、印刷品和照片。

    Be on Guard against the Cultural Toxins in the New Year Movies Directed by FENG Xiao-gang & Comments on the Movie " If You Are the One " For this image I used a mixture of stock imagery , drawings , textures , typography and photos .