
cháng jìng tóu
  • zoom lens;a full-length shot
长镜头[cháng jìng tóu]
  1. 一批装备有长镜头相机的录音设备的记者。

    A group of reporters armed with long-lens cameras and recording equipment .

  2. 二是偏于长镜头叙事手法的运用。

    The other is the use of too long lens narration tactics .

  3. 每个可能会用的不同角度的长镜头。

    Of every different angle that you could possibly want .

  4. 长镜头显示出了对摄影技术良好的掌控。

    The use of long take shows the good command of camera technique .

  5. 本课题是针对长镜头在营造动画审美体验中的应用研究。

    This issue is application research of long shot in creating animation aesthetic experience .

  6. 用特写镜头看生活,生活是一个悲剧;但用长镜头看生活,生活则是个喜剧。

    Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up , but a comedy in long-shot .

  7. 维多利亚也来自那里的和平也具有很大的长镜头相机完成。

    Victoria also from PEACE was there too complete with a great long lens camera .

  8. 用长镜头拍摄的照片。

    This is a long focus lens . a photograph made with a telephoto lens .

  9. 传统的蒙太奇与长镜头理论已经不再是针锋相对,而是互相融合。

    The traditional montage and long lenses theory are no longer head-on , but merging .

  10. 那是一个长镜头。

    That 's a long shot .

  11. 有了这番介绍,再去了解巴赞的长镜头理论就较为方便了

    With Zhefan introduction , go about Bazin 's theory of the long shot is more convenient

  12. 在长镜头中,一场恬静的雪给温莎堡穿上了银装。

    A serene snow dusts the grounds of Britain 's Windsor Castle in this long-lens view .

  13. 杰克·科劳奥克将这一画面描述为“长镜头中荒凉地通向无限的夜路”。

    Jack Kerouac described the image as a'long shot of night road arrowing forlorn into immensities .

  14. 历史长镜头

    Camera lens of the history

  15. 视觉的超常体验&数字运动长镜头在当代电影中的创造性应用

    The Paranormal Experience of Vision & The Creative Application of Digital Fluid Long Take in the Modern Films

  16. 德维特说:他用手指着我。据他介绍,当时萨科奇甚至抓住了他的长镜头相机。

    " He was pointing at me ," DeWitt said , adding that Sarkozy even grabbed his long-lens camera .

  17. 使用多个长度在3到4秒的短镜头,而不是用单个横摇或直摇长镜头。

    Use a number of short shots lasting three to four seconds instead of single long pans or tilts .

  18. 同时,它通过长镜头、固定机位、空镜头等电影语言的创新,既保证了文化记录的真实性,又创造了独具个人特色的诗意写实风格。

    He also created a special poetry realism by using long shot and empty shot in a creative way .

  19. 在数字化时代之前,蒙太奇理论、影像本体论和长镜头理论最能体现传统影视艺术的范式特征。

    Before digital time , montage conception , image theory and long take theory can reflect traditional film & TV art paradigm most .

  20. 这些照片是用长镜头拍摄的,照片中凯特王妃在一栋海滨别墅里日光浴,上身没穿泳衣。

    The pictures , taken using a long lens , showed Kate tanning at a beach house without a bathing suit top on .

  21. 它仍然是一个长镜头,但它的所有游戏,如果我们赢了那麽谁知道这个周末?

    It 's still a long shot , but it 's all to play for and if we win this weekend then who knows ?

  22. 她刚刚给照相机换上一个长镜头,带好遮光罩,调整了光圈和速度。

    She had just mounted a distance lens on her camera , drawing it forward , and had adjusted the aperture and shutter speed .

  23. 影片的剧本非常成功地在歇斯底里(内容上)和平缓上(影片长镜头的运用)上都取得了成功。

    But Redacted pretty successfully sustains a dual level of hysteria ( in its content ) and disinterest ( in its film-long framing devices ) .

  24. 他在影片中“丧心病狂”的长镜头,让整个影片仿佛在一个镜头下不断展开。

    The Oscar winning cameraman uses impossibly long tracking shots in the movie , making us feel that it is unfolding in one continuous take .

  25. 蔡明亮说,他采用了尽可能少的对白和极端的长镜头,想让观众体会贫困的片中人物的绝望情绪。

    Employing a minimal amount of dialogue and extreme long takes , Mr. Tsai asks his audiences to experience the hopelessness of his destitute characters .

  26. 长镜头是从表象真实进入到内在真实的,这种真实并不都等于真理。

    The long camera lens enters from the surface truth to the internal truth , which is not equal to the truth in all sides .

  27. 迈克尔·哈内克观念先行的创作模式,风格化的长镜头调度,浓厚的哲学底蕴使其电影呈现出鲜明的理性精神和思辨色彩。

    His composing mode of " Concept First ", stylistic long lens scheduling and strong philosophical foundation make his movies show the distinctive rational spirit and speculative color .

  28. 在苏格•雷第二场搏斗的长镜头中有些大象哭声之类的音效。

    There was a few that in the second Sugar Ray Fight that were done all long lenses there were some elephant cries and those sorts of things .

  29. 由于长镜头固定机位拍摄,使镜头与镜头之间的切换偏少,这就使故事的衔接不够紧密。

    Due to the long lens fixing seat shot , the shot and the switching between the less became less , which made the story linking not close enough .

  30. 这些照片是意大利摄影师安东内洛•扎帕杜公布的,他曾在2009年因在贝卢斯科尼的住处拍到衣着暴露的女郎的长镜头照片而出名。

    They were obtained by Antonello Zappadu , an Italian photographer who made his name in 2009 by taking long-lens pictures of scantily-clad showgirls at Mr Berlusconi 's residence .