
zì wǒ lǐ xiǎng
  • ego ideal
  1. 通常为无意识的,由自我理想和良心组成。

    Mostly unconscious , it is composed of the ego ideal and the conscience .

  2. 通过诗歌的分析揭示诗人如何将想象中不能实现的自我理想寄托在诗歌语言符号构筑的虚幻世界。

    Yarrow Mill poetry reveals the poet how text hovering in the imaginary world , the ego ideal can not be realized in the imagination lies in the poetic language symbols to build a fantasy world .

  3. 赫索格因逃避所引发的自我理想构建及自恨心理。

    Herzog 's ideal constructions of self and of reality .

  4. 盖茨比和迪克的上述自恋特征造成了灾难性后果:过度的自我理想化使他们无法看到自己的不足;

    These narcissistic traits eventually bring about disastrous consequences to the two victims : excessive self-idealization makes them fail to notice their own limitations ;

  5. 金庸从个体自由发展和生存角度对他笔下的人物进行塑造,寄托了他对于自我理想性格的追求。

    Jin Yong figures the characters who seek individual free development and survival space , in order to embody the ideal character that Jin Yong wishes to have .

  6. 文章应用弗洛伊德精神分析理论,从人格动力的角度深入剖析主人公布朗自我理想崩溃、人格异常及因此经历的焦虑和痛苦。

    Based on Freudian psychoanalytical theories , the paper examines Brown 's collapse of ego-ideal , his personality disorder , and his anxiety and agony from the perspective of personality drive .

  7. 此外,行为金融学的研究也表明,作为经济人生存于一个充斥着与自我理想假定不相吻合的社会之中。

    In addition , the " behavioral finance " research also shows that , as an economic survival in a full and self-assumption does not correspond to the ideal of society .

  8. 而笔者认为,新写实小说并没有放弃自我理想,没有取消对人生价值的追求,只不过这种追求是隐匿于世俗琐碎生存的沉重感之中的。

    But the author believed that the new practical novel has not given up self-ideally , has not cancelled to the life value pursue , but this kind of pursue is the concealment in the common custom trivial survival serious feeling .

  9. 结果表明:父亲意象人格面具由身心品质、自我理想和集体理想构成,内容与问卷结果基本吻合,但因子顺序发生了明显的变化。

    The result showed that father image persona consists of collective vision , physical and mental quality , and ego ideal , which is consistent with the results of the questionnaire . However , there were significant changes in the order of factors .

  10. 以罗杰斯人本主义理论为基础,认为自尊是现实自我与理想自我之间的差异。

    On the basis of Rogers ' humanistic theory , it assumes self-esteem to be the discrepancy between ideal self and actual self .

  11. 凯瑟琳和希克厉把对方视为自我的理想意象,追求着二者的合一。

    The two passionate protagonists , Catherine and Heathcliff , take each other as the " ideal imago ", seeking for their unity .

  12. 你会希望为了高于自我的理想或是那些你尊重并符合你理想标准的人而努力。

    You will feel a need to work for an ideal that is higher than yourself or for a person whom you can idealize and respect .

  13. 两组被试的现实自我、理想自我和表现自我描述中女性化发展要求强烈,兼具双性化的发展需要。

    The descriptions of real self , ideal self and expressed self of both groups enlightened their needs in feminine development and masculine development at the same time .

  14. 运用日本心理学家依田新的S·D&七点测量法,对大学生现实自我、理想自我、集体意识三方面进行了调查与分析。

    Through the measurement of S · D One-Seven point of a certain Japanese Psychologist . Investigation and analysis was carried out on the realistic selfhood , ideal selfhood and collective selfhood of undergraduates .

  15. 新生代后期影人试图突破前期新生代孤芳自赏的市场局面,试图在主流意识和市场的认同下完成自我艺术理想的实现。

    The Cenozoic Era later period attempts breaks through the earlier period Cenozoic Era " to be narcissistic " the market aspect , attempts completes the self-artistic ideal in the mainstream consciousness and under the market approval realization .

  16. 彼在是理性和感性对立而又融合的和谐的世界,是对此在的日常人生的超越,是完整的人的生成,是美的生成,是不断走向本真的自我的理想境界,是体验的终点。

    The " that at " is a harmonious world which blends geist and rationality , oversteps the " this at " and usual life , produces a complete person , is an ideal state of one 's own mind , and is a terminal point of the experiencing esthetics .

  17. 士开始对自我的人生理想进行反思。

    The Shi started to the self-ideal of life to carry on the reconsideration .

  18. 恤大概是个人向大众展现自我的最理想载体。

    The T-shirt is probably the ideal medium for giving public vent to one 's ego .

  19. 儒家强调的“为己之学”其实质在于完善自我,成就理想人格,达到理想的人生境界。

    The essence of confucian " Study for Oneself " is to perfect oneself , make of one 's ideal character and reach one 's ideal state .

  20. 著名心理学家罗杰斯认为,现实自我概念与理想自我概念之间的差异可作为心理健康的一个重要指标。

    The famous psychologist rogers , Carl ransom thinks that the difference between the realistic self-concept and ideal self-concept is an important index sign of the mental health state .

  21. 最后指出富有生命情性的阅读教学,应该以悠闲自在的基本姿态和成全自我的生命理想,去追求文本解读的诗意境界。

    Finally this article pointed out that the reading teaching rich in the life disposition should pursue the poetic sentiment boundary of the text explanation by the essential carefree way and completing the self-life ideal .

  22. 本文认为,休闲是人生一种境界,对于丰富人生的意义具有积极的建构意义。同时本文又认为,休闲也是人生的一种审美方式,它引领人们实践自我发展的理想。

    This article not only held that leisure was a state of life that it is positive to enrich the meaning of life , but also leisure was a kind of aesthetic judgment which led people to practice the ideals of self-development .

  23. 面对扑朔迷离、难以把握的外部世界,剧中人物沉浸于自我构建的理想世界中,寻求情感所系,或期望确保安全、舒适的领地,以逃避现实世界中的孤独无依或外来的威胁。

    Faced with the enigmatic , external world difficult to hold , characters indulge themselves in a self constructed ideal world , badly in search of a safe and comfortable territory or emotional harbor to escape threat from outside or loneliness of the real world .

  24. 分别有6.6%和1.0%的儿童选择特别胖的体形作为自我体形认知和理想体形认知。

    About 6.6 % and 1.0 % children chose the heaviest silhouette as their self-body image and ideal body image respectively .

  25. 这些看似既褒又贬的词汇,也隐晦的表达了中国人的生活理想,甚至在一定程度上表达了其自我实现的最高理想。

    These vocabulary seemingly both praise and criticism , actually they obscure expressed Chinese ideal of life , or even expressed ideal of self realization .

  26. 四是荣誉学院大学生的自身原因,表现为学生自我认知失调、理想信念缺失、价值取向功利化。

    The four is Honors School students ' own reasons , the students ' self cognitive dissonance , loss ideal and faith , value orientation utilitarian .

  27. 文学村庄承载了不同时代作家对世界的独特体验,体现了他们文化建构与自我建构的美学理想。

    The image of village bears writers ' individual and unique life experience in different eras , and embodies their cultural construction and construction of aesthetic ideal .

  28. 本研究最终得到以下结果:(1)父母前实际的自我、父母前理想的自我与父母前应该的自我是有差异的。

    This study finally obtains following results : 1 . It is different among the actual pre-parents self , the ideal pre-parents self and the ought pre-parents self . 2 .

  29. 以物理学为基础的现代范式由于受牛顿简单封闭的宇宙观影响,导致了现代科学内部创造性思想的丧失,并使得现代性范式成为一种封闭的自我循环式的理想模型。

    Influenced by Newton 's simple and closing world view , the modern paradigm with the physics as its base caused modern science to lose the creative ideas and made the paradigm of modernity become a kind of closing and self-circulated ideal model .

  30. 想象在这场游戏活动中居有重要的地位,而重塑自我认同、实现理想自我、发挥个人潜能、释放心灵空间,是现阶段网络角色扮演的基本形态。

    Through the imagination of occupying an important position in such a game , one rebuilds his self-recognition , realizes his ideal self , brings his potential into full play , and releases the space of his mind . These are the basic forms of the present cyber role-play .