
  • 网络free body;Free verse;Freebody;freeform
  1. 他写的爱情故事和对自由体的尝试很快赢得了大众的喜欢,典型作品是1921年出版的《女神》。

    His love stories and experiments in free verse , particularly his poetry collection The Goddesses ( 1921 ), won immediate popularity .

  2. 叙事章节由尼克松和作者本人轮流叙述;三个插曲分别是自由体诗歌,戏剧对白和歌剧。

    These four chapters contain twenty-eight episodes alternatively narrated by Robert Coover and his part-time narrator , Richard Nixon . The three intermezzos are presented in free verse , dramatic dialogue and opera in sequence .

  3. 而相关的动作的主题必须根据前后文来理解。carryon继续开展,坚持如果你对韵律不敏感的话,那就继续写自由体诗或散文吧。

    If you don 't have an ear for a meter , carry on writing free verse or prose .

  4. 自由体派,其代表人物是ArthurWaley,认为译诗用韵不可能不因声损意。

    Arthur Waley belongs to free verse school and he maintains that it is impossible not to sacrifice sense to sound if one uses rhyme .

  5. 论中国现代自由体诗与西方现代文化之关系

    An Analysis on Modern Chinese Free Verse and Modern Western Cultures

  6. 当然,这并不意味着绝对排斥自由体译法。

    This does not necessarily mean that the free-verse-translation is exclusively discarded .

  7. 学生:学习的自由体

    Students are the Free Bodies in Learning

  8. 新的重点是放在无用的自由体图这一永远不过时的方法上。

    The new emphasis is on the use of the ageless method of a freebody diagram .

  9. 用自由体法进行锅炉集箱热旋压封头的应力分析与强度评定

    Stress Analysis and Strength Evaluation for Heat Rotary Pressing Head of Boiler Header by Free Body Method

  10. 看所有力的自由体受力图(包括重力和正向力)。

    View a Free Body Diagram of all the forces ( including gravitational and normal forces ) .

  11. 胡适主张诗体的解放,但他后期创作的五七言诗的数量超过了自由体。

    Hu Shi advocated the liberation of poetic style , but he wrote more poems in wuqi yan than in liberal forms late in his life .

  12. 一生创作了一百余首新诗,在题材、意象、形式、想象等诸多方面与中国的自由体新诗有很大的差异。

    Throughout his life , Mr. Wu has created more than 100 modern poems which vary from other Chinese modern poems in subject , image , form and imagination significantly .

  13. 形式上,他采用自由体诗,打破传统的十四行诗的韵律,像惠特曼一样采用长句、重复、叠韵、罗列等技巧表达自己的情感。

    In form , by adopting free style poems and breaking the traditional rhyme of sonnet , he used the literary such techniques as long sentences , repetition , vowel rhyme and enumeration , expressed his feelings .

  14. 这种反复摆动的发展轨迹,从外形式角度看,新诗是从格律体到自由体,再从朗诵诗到新民歌;

    This repeatedly swaying developing trace of new verse , seen from the external pattern , is the change from formalized style ( Ge Lv ) to free style and then from recite poems to new folk song ;

  15. 采用三次有理均匀B样条曲线完成了对自由曲面体的重构。

    Cubic rational B-spline curve is adopted to reconstruct free-form surface .

  16. 基于B样条自由曲面体间最短距离计算算法研究

    Minimum Distance Algorithm Based on Free - Form B-Spline Surface Objects

  17. 甲基丙烯酸甲酯自由基本体聚合反应动力学(Ⅰ)&自由基的构象和浓度、链增长速率常数kp

    Kinetics of Methyl Methacrylate Bulk Radical Polymerization (ⅰ) & Conformation and Concentration of Radical and Propagating Constant k_p

  18. 紫菜自由丝状体SCAR标记的获得

    Freedom Obtaining of SCAR Markers for Germplasm Identification of Porphyra Lines

  19. 基于NURBS的自由曲面体三维几何特性计算

    Calculation of Geometric Properties for Free-form Surface Based on NURBS

  20. 二氧化锗(GeO2)对条斑紫菜(PorphyraYezoensisUeda)自由丝状体(FreeFilamentous)中硅藻污染影响的研究

    Effect of GeO_2 on Diatom Pollution in the Free Filamentous of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda

  21. 四种紫菜自由丝状体遗传多样性的同工酶和ISSR研究

    Study on the Genetic Diversity of Four Species Free-Living Conchocelis of Porphyra with Isozyme and ISSR-PCR

  22. 本文以2乙烯基2(口恶)唑与苯乙烯自由基本体共聚合制得(口恶)唑啉官能化聚苯乙烯(RPS)。

    The Oxazoline-functional PS ( RPS ) was prepared by radical bulk copolymerization of styrene with 2-vinyl-2-oxazoline .

  23. 该方法是用自由手写体数字的外接同心圆来抽取其贯穿特征码,将获得的模式特征训练改进的BP神经网络分类器,从而达到快速分类的目的。

    The method is extracting the cross feature codes of addendum concentric circles of unconstrained handwritten numerals , using the obtained cross feature codes to train the back propagation neural network classifier , and then recognizing these characters .

  24. 由于序参量的涨落,在推导涨落概率时,自由能体密度Δg对序参量(?)的展开式中需要考虑Ginzburg梯度项。

    So there are Ginzburg grads in the expansion of Ag ( density of free energy ) in terms of fj ( order parameter ), which is used to deduce the probability of fluctuations .

  25. 以甲基丙烯酸(MAA)、丙烯腈(AN)和丙烯酰胺(AM)为原料,通过自由基本体聚合与加热自由发泡的方式制备出了一种高性能MAA/AN/AM共聚物泡沫塑料。

    Using methacrylic acid ( MAA ), acrylonitrile ( AN ) and acrylamide ( AM ) as monomers , a sort of high-performance MAA / AN / AM ternary copolymer foam plastic is prepared by means of the radical bulk copolymerization and freely heating foaming .

  26. 全氘代苯乙烯自由基本体聚合反应研究

    Study on the Free - radical Bulk Polymerization of Perdeuterated Styrene

  27. 温度是诱导自由丝状体发育的重要因素。

    That temperature is an important factor to inducing free-living conchocelis ;

  28. 基于组合分类器的自由手写体数字识别方法

    An Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals Recognition Way Based on Combined Classifier

  29. 第三章为三段聚合模型在引发剂引发自由基本体均聚反应中的应用,首先,介绍了自由基聚合反应机理和经典自由基聚合理论;

    First , the kinetic models for free radical polymerization are reviewed .

  30. 自由手写体数字表格自动识别系统

    An Automatic Recognition System of Unconstrained Handwritten Digit Form