
  • 网络RAL;lahr;Rhyl;Lar;Lares
  1. 但他应该控制一点拉尔

    But he should control a little lar

  2. 马尔卡希领导施乐实现了扭亏,并将指挥棒交给了公司内部的乌苏拉尔•伯恩斯(UrsulaBurns)。

    Ms Mulcahy led a turnround of Xerox and passed the baton to company insider Ursula Burns .

  3. 原因:去年11月,拉尔以13亿美元的价格将其医药经销公司Kinray出售给了卡地纳健康集团(CardinalHealth),其中税收占去了很大比例。

    Cause : Rahr sold his pharmaceutical distribution company , Kinray , to Cardinal Health for $ 1.3 billion in November .

  4. AC米兰说卡卡在任何时候都是是非卖品,尽管拉尔德隆说他希望卡卡能为转会离开意甲做出努力。

    AC Milan have said that Kaka is not for sale under any circumstances , although Calderon has said he hoped the player would push for a move away from the Serie A side .

  5. 我们的两处超现代生产设施,分别位于荷兰符拉尔丁根和美国北卡罗来纳州apex,向全球客户基地提供产品和支持。

    With our two ultra modern production facilities , located in vlaardingen , the Netherland and apex , NC USA we supply and support our world wide customer base .

  6. 你认为拉尔会看上如此无足轻重的区区之物吗?

    Do you think Lal will care for anything so unimportant ?

  7. 我还得留下来和腾格拉尔核对一下帐目。

    I shall remain and look over the accounts with danglars .

  8. 伯爵鞠了一躬,而腾格拉尔小姐则微微点头示意。

    The count bowed , while Mademoiselle Danglars bent her head slightly .

  9. 腾格拉尔蒙赐到了一个最和蔼难得的微笑;

    A most gracious welcome and unusual smile were bestowed on m.danglars ;

  10. 那个跟腾格拉尔来的人在一条长凳上坐下来。

    The man who had followed Danglars sat down on a bench .

  11. 他刚离开,腾格拉尔就凑了过来说道。

    As he departed , Danglars approached , and said , & .

  12. 一会儿,罗吉万帕便出现在腾格拉尔的面前了。

    And the next moment Luigi Vampa appeared before danglars .

  13. 当德布雷向窗口走去的时候,腾格拉尔走近他的妻子身边。

    As Debray walked towards the window , Danglars approached his wife .

  14. 这时,腾格拉尔抑制住内心的激动,走上去迎接那位出纳主任。

    Meanwhile Danglars , repressing all emotion , advanced to meet the receiver-general .

  15. 腾格拉尔男爵是一位好岳父,而且挺会算计的。

    Baron Danglars is a good father , and knows how to calculate .

  16. “你快要和腾格拉尔小姐结婚了吗?”

    " Are you going to marry Mademoiselle danglars ?"

  17. 是的,理由很充分,我亲爱的腾格拉尔。

    Yes , most satisfactory , my dear Danglars .

  18. 门闩格拉一响,腾格拉尔变成一个俘虏了。

    A bolt grated and Danglars was a prisoner .

  19. 他命令销毁拉尔安德森录制这首歌所用的母带。

    He ordered the original master copy of Lale Andersen 's recording destroyed .

  20. “他看上去不大对头,”腾格拉尔碰碰卡德鲁斯的膝盖说。

    He seems besotted , said danglars , pushing Caderousse with his knee .

  21. 腾格拉尔保持着“王子”的衔头。

    Danglars kept up the title of prince .

  22. “你能相信有这种事情吗,我亲爱的腾格拉尔?”

    " Could you ever have credited such a thing , my dear danglars ?"

  23. 但马尔塞夫不是要证实腾格拉尔和基督山谁的罪大;

    It was not whether Danglars or Monte Cristo was more or less guilty ;

  24. 腾格拉尔斜眼望着他,看他说话的态度是否在取笑他。

    Danglars looked at him askance , as though to ascertain whether he spoke seriously .

  25. 在战斗之后,别的人要求拉尔告诉他们发生了什么事。

    After the fight , the others ask Lal to explain what 's going on .

  26. “腾格拉尔,那个教唆犯,就是那个罪名最重的人,他怎么样了?”

    " What has become of danglars , the instigator , and therefore the most guilty ?"

  27. 腾格拉尔想了一会儿。

    Danglars reflected for a moment .

  28. 不用了,谢谢你。我还得留下来和腾格拉尔核对一下帐目。

    No , thank you ; I shall remain and look over the accounts with Danglars .

  29. 腾格拉尔后退了一步。

    Danglars retreated a few steps .

  30. 莱塞拉尔理工学院的研究人员已经发现了细菌产生生存能力的新细节。

    Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have discovered new details about how bacteria generate energy to live .