
máng shí
  • busy hour
忙时[máng shí]
  1. 通过对移动电话话务量损失原因的分析,建立了一个反映移动电话收益率与移动电话全网忙时接通率之间内在联系的模型,应用这一模型进行了实例分析。

    After the analysis of traffic loss in mobile communication a mathematical model which describes relations between the increasing rate of income and network BHCR ( Busy Hour Completion Rate ) of mobile telephone is given .

  2. 我丈夫的工作总是时忙时闲。

    My husband 's work was so spasmodic .

  3. 我时忙时闲,大多数工作都是如此。

    Sometimes I 'm busy and sometimes I 'm not . It 's the same with most jobs .

  4. 问题到达邮件服务器或者只是在忙时提交e-mail,都会延迟web应用程序。

    Problems reaching the mail server or just submitting the e-mail at busy times could delay the web app .

  5. 他说等我们不忙时会再来。

    He said he 'd come back when we were less busy .

  6. 当我答应帮他忙时,他立即高兴起来。

    He cheered up at once when I promised to help him .

  7. 当工作忙时他就雇一个助手。

    When he is busy , he employs an assistant for help .

  8. 正当我最忙时,他偏偏来聊天。

    Just when I was busiest , he must come for a chat .

  9. 也许我得等你不是这么忙时再来。

    Maybe I 'd better come back when you 're not so busy .

  10. 店里忙时,她全家都来干。

    Her whole family were pressed into service when the shop was busy .

  11. 我让前台在线路不忙时给您打电话好吗?

    Shall I ask them to call you back when the line is free ?

  12. 孩子们在父亲生意忙时就去他店里帮忙。

    The children help out in their father 's shop when things are busy .

  13. 艾玛忙时非紧急电话会接到一台机器上

    Oh , the nonemergency calls go to a machine when Emma 's busy .

  14. 因而当虚拟机忙时它就不会浪费时间清理内务。

    So when Virtual Machine is busy it won 't waste time on house cleaning .

  15. 他有值得庆祝的好消息或是他帮了你忙时。

    C.when he has news worth celebrating or after he 's done you a favor .

  16. 他决定延后到他的工作不忙时才度假。

    He decided to hold off going on vacation until he was less busy work .

  17. 忙时不用专门跑一趟,随时顺便过来一下就行了。

    Don 't bother to come over when you 're busy , just drop by anytime .

  18. 当有人尽力想帮你但没帮上忙时可用此短语道谢。

    Use this expression to thank someone who tries to help but isn 't able to .

  19. 忙时给我定机票,让我带父母一起出去玩。

    When busying , book ticket for me and let me bring parents to outside and have fun .

  20. 这期你将会学到一些当你找得人现在非常忙时,你将听到的一些词组。

    In this section we 'll learn some phrases you might hear if the person you wish to speak to is busy .

  21. 你忙时根本不用一直看手机,生怕错过一封邮件或一个电话。

    You don 't need to constantly check your phone for emails , or missed calls when you should be busy working .

  22. 单个交换局点忙时测试任务最多达到110个,测试全部完成,测试准确率达到了91%。

    Busy - hour test task for individual switch reaches 110 at the most and all performed , qualitative analysis accuracy reaches 91 % .

  23. 对那些过度占用资源,且实时性要求不强的业务,安排在非忙时应用,从而有效的利用带宽。

    For those who occupy over resources-intensive and non-real-time business , arranged in non-busy applications , and this can be efficient use of bandwidth .

  24. 轻视的解释似乎更有可能,因为在咖啡厅比较忙时,女性额外等待的时间似乎会增加。

    The ' contempt ' explanation seems more likely , as the extra time that women wait seems to increase when the coffee shop is busy .

  25. 闲时抱平常心享受假日休闲毋自寻烦恼;忙时用超强斗心推前浪,迈开新步伐。

    Enjoy holidays with normal attitude and never bring vexation on yourself when free ; advance farther with strong ambition and take new steps when busy .

  26. 与此同时,根据流量特征统计用户的上网行为、上网喜好,对于忙时流量加以控制策略。

    At the same time , according to the flow characteristics of the Internet behavior , Internet Statistics user preferences , for the busy traffic control strategy .

  27. 当一个呼叫中心忙时,你可以通知长途电话公司将所有的800呼入电话转移到另一个空闲的呼叫中心。

    When one gets busy , you may tell your long distance company to route all the800 inbound phone calls to the call center , which isn 't busy .

  28. 此方案一方面采取话务引导模式,通过预约回拨的方式将忙时用户进行引导,在话务闲时再对忙时未呼入用户进行回拨,提高更优质的服务。

    This plan hand take traffic guide mode , through the callback methods will help the user guide , traffic in the idle when the busy when not incoming user callback , improve quality services .

  29. A:你也知道我忙时桌上的东西会堆成山我也清楚有时我会把东西放错地方,但所有发下来的备忘录我都会看的。

    A : You know how things get piled up my desk when I am busy . I know that sometimes I do misplace things , but I always read all the memos that ___ ③ ___ .

  30. 此外,给出了两个服务员均忙时,系统中等待队长和到达顾客等待时间的解析表达式,并证明了其条件随机分解特性。

    Furthermore , we give the analytical expression of the waiting queue length and waiting time of the arrival customers when all of the servers are busy , and also prove the conditional stochastic decomposition properties of them .
