
  • 网络EarliestChina
  1. 它实际上是现存最早的中国戏曲评点本。

    It is actually the earliest extant commentary edition of Chinese traditional opera .

  2. 从今天来到长庆县最早的中国医生出现在历史文献和最有名的是他的时间。

    From present-day Changqing County came the earliest Chinese doctor to appear in historical documents and the most famous one of his time .

  3. 在中国留学史上,马国贤在其家乡那不勒斯创办的中国学院,是欧洲最早的中国人留学中心。

    Fifth , in history of Chinese studying abroad , the Chinese College founded by Matteo Ripa in his hometown Naples was the first teaching and studying unit in Europe aimed at training Chinese students studying abroad .

  4. 他们把艺术看成一种工具,用以提醒人们回忆过去黄金盛世的美德典范。现存最早的中国画卷有一卷是根据儒家思想选编的贞妇淑女事迹;

    They thought of art as a means of reminding people of the great examples of virtue in the golden ages of the past.One of the earliest illustrated Chinese bookscrolls that have been preserved is a collection of great examples of virtuous ladies , written in the spirit of Confucius .

  5. 让当地人感到震惊的是,这批最早到达的中国人利用温泉干了件难以置信的事情他们竟然在热水池里洗脏衣服。

    The local Japanese were shocked when the early arrivals used the Onsen , or spas , to do the unthinkable : they washed their dirty clothes in the hot tubs .

  6. 世界最早的文化,中国红山文化,比古代埃及文化要早一倍的时间。

    The world earliest culture , the Chinese Hongshan culture , compared ancient times the Egyptian culture to early time of time .

  7. 马云回到家,创办了中国最早的网络公司之一中国黄页(ChinaPages);这是一个在线目录,帮助国内企业寻找海外客户。

    Mr. Ma returned home and set up one of the country 's first web companies , China Pages , an online directory for domestic businesses looking for customers overseas .

  8. 这很有趣,世界上最早的文明之一的中国居然还会有这么过时的想法。

    Funny how one of the earliest civilizations in the world could simultaneously be so regressive .

  9. 所以,中国是世界文明发达最早的国家之一,中国已有了将近四千年的有文字可考的历史。

    Thus China has one of the oldest civilizations in the world ; she has a recorded history of nearly 4,000 years .

  10. 最早去澳大利亚的人像中国人一样是为了抢夺金子,希望找到金子变得富有。

    Mario : The first Italians went there , like the Chinese , in the gold-rushes , hoping to find gold and become rich .

  11. 作为最早翻译西洋文学的中国人,林纾被认为是中国晚清最富盛名的翻译家之一。

    Abstract : Lin Shu , the first person who translated Occidental literary works , is considered as one of the most famous translator in late Qing Dynasty .

  12. 文献与实物证明,孟子是最早被介绍到欧洲的哲人之一,而《孟子》则是最早翻译到欧洲的中国典籍之一。

    Documents and objects show that Mencius was one of the philosophers who was earliest introduced to Europe , and " Mencius " is one of the Chinese classics which were translated to Europe earliest .