
hūn yīn jiā tínɡ fǎ xué
  • science of marriage and family law
  1. 略论我国婚姻家庭法学的发展与完善&兼论新婚姻法的立法不足

    The Development Perfection of China 's Law on Marriage Family

  2. 我国应借鉴丹宁勋爵的婚姻家庭法学思想,在居住权方面给予被遗弃的妻子特别的保护。

    We should absorb the thought of Lord Denning on family law and give deserted wives a special protection in right of dwelling .

  3. 离婚制度是社会学和婚姻家庭法学共同关注的问题,但我国有关离婚制度的立法尚不完善,在司法实践中也存有较多弊端。

    Divorce system has been paid much attention by sociology and family law theory , but there is still some defect on the legislation and judicial practice on divorce system in China .

  4. 随着现实生活中侵害配偶权的现象日益增多,给受害者提供法律救济的呼声也日益高涨,但对是否应当增设配偶权制度,婚姻家庭法学者之间一直存在着争议。

    More and more in real life against the phenomenon of the spouses the right to provide legal relief to the victims is growing , but on the desirability of additional spousal rights system , marriage and family law between there has been controversy .