- 名wife's or mothor's relatives;close in appearance

(1) [wife's or mothor's relatives]∶旧指家族中女性方面的亲属,如舅舅、外甥、姨母、外孙等
(2) [close in appearance]∶表面亲善
Identity style development is more mature , the higher the score on the pro-social behavior . ( 4 ) The four identity status explicit significant differences on pro-social behaviors .
Based on the literature material of the prosocial behavior and motivation , the study describes the types of prosocial behavior motivation , such as tendence-escape type , reciprocal type , and tells the difference of the conceptions between the prosocial behavior and the altruism behavior .
The feeding way and a series of action were studied by moving the 15-day nestlings from their nests .