
  • 网络exogenous fever;fever caused by exogenous pathogens
  1. 目的:研究捏脊疗法治疗小儿外感发热的免疫及肠道微生态机制。

    Objective : To study the immunization and intestinal canal microecosystem mechanism of chiropractic in treating childrens fever caused by exogenous pathogens .

  2. 中药免煎颗粒治疗小儿外感发热之优势

    The advantages of boil-free granule of Traditional Chinese Medicine in treating exogenous fever of child

  3. 捏脊疗法治疗小儿外感发热临床观察

    The Chinical Observation of Chiropractic Therapy on Exogenous Fever of Pediatrics

  4. 外感发热是小儿时期最常见的疾病之一。

    Exogenous fever is one of the most common pediatric diseases .

  5. 薄氏腹针治疗外感发热33例临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Abdominal Acupuncture on 33 Cases of Exogenous Fever

  6. 张磊运用经方治疗外感发热经验探析

    Exploration on Zhang Lei in Treating fever due to exopathy with Classical Prescription

  7. 小儿退热贴治疗外感发热临床疗效观察

    Clinical Study on Treatment of Exogenous Infection Caused Fever by Infantile Abating Paste

  8. 重点研究特殊望诊法,和治疗小儿外感发热临床经验。

    It focuses on his unique inspection method and clinical experience concerning the treatment of pediatric exogenous fever .

  9. 目的观察热毒清口服液对小儿外感发热的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of Reduqing oral liquid in treating child common cold fever .

  10. 目的是为了观察清、解、透三法并用治疗外感发热24小时的退热疗效。

    The purpose is to observe cooling effect of three methods ( the clear , solution , transmission ) in 24 hour in treating fever .

  11. 结论:本法治疗外寒内热型外感发热与西药泰诺林相比4小时内退热疗效基本一致,6小时后中药作用更明显而持久,明显优于西药。

    Conclusion : This treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is basic consistent in the cooling effect compared with western drugs within four hours , but 6 hours later the traditional Chinese medicine function is more obvious and is lasting .

  12. 【目的】观察薄氏腹针疗法治疗急性病毒性上呼吸道感染发热中医辨证属卫分证、气同病证的临床疗效,探讨外感发热卫分证、卫气同病证证候与疗效间的关系。

    Objective : To observe the clinic therapeutic effect that abdominal needle therapy treat the people with weifen syndrome and syndrome involving the defense and qi phase , and to discuss the relationship between syndrome and clinic therapeutic effect .

  13. 现代医学治疗小儿外感发热,抗病毒药物的发展比较缓慢,疗效尚待评估;抗生素的滥用,引起耐药菌的增多和儿童抵抗力的下降,各种副作用伤及儿童。

    Currently the development of antiviral drugs for pediatric exogenous fever in modern medicine is rather slow and their efficacy is not quite explicit . Overuse of antibiotics leads to an increase in drug-fast bacteria as well as a decrease in the immunity of children .

  14. 儿童生长发育极其迅速,但机体发育尚不完善,免疫系统发育不健全,故抗病能力较弱,小儿外感发热极易引起神昏、惊风或抽搐等症甚至危及小儿生命。

    Children are at an age of fast growth , their bodies are still immature and their immunity system underdeveloped , so they are weak in disease resistance . Pediatric exogenous fever causes symptoms such as coma , convulsion or seizure , and may sometimes be life-threatening .

  15. 导师张骠教授从事儿科临床工作近30年,在实践中积累了中医药治疗外感发热的丰富经验,认为外感发热系外有风邪,内有食滞,内外相合发病。

    Mentor Professor Zhang Biao has engaged in pediatric clinical career for about 30 years , and accumulated ample experience about chinese medicine treatment on exogenous fever in practice . He believes that the etiology of exogenous fever is the external pathogenic wind outside combining with food stagnation inside .

  16. 散寒解热口服液是具有发汗解表、散寒解热、缓急止痛、宣肺化痰功效的中药复方制剂,适用于外感风寒发热证(细菌性上感、感冒、流感等)。

    Oral Liquor for dispelling cold and clearing heat is a Chinese herbal compound with functions of relieving exterior syndrome and inducing diaphoresis , dispelling cold and clearing heat , relieving spasm and pain , and ventilating the lung and resolving phlegm .

  17. 疏风解表,清热解毒。用于外感风热,发热,头痛,咳嗽音哑,咽喉肿痛。

    For fever , headache , cough , hoarse voice , and swelling and pain in the throat .