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  1. 对比了国内外帘线用钢的质量差距,并对断丝的机理和原因进行了分析。

    Quality gap between overseas and domestic steel for tyre cord was discussed and wire breakage mechanism was analyzed .

  2. 叙述了钢帘线钢的化学成分、气体含量和夹杂物控制,介绍了国内外钢帘线钢的生产概况、质量要求和发展趋势。

    The control of chemical compositions , gas content and inclusion is presented and the general conditions of production , quality requirement and development trend of wire for steel cord of tyre at home and abroad are summarized in this paper .

  3. 介绍了轮胎钢丝帘线用钢的技术要求和国内外的生产工艺,分析对比了国内外轮胎钢丝帘线用钢的成分、洁净度、夹杂及盘条表面质量等。

    The technological requirements and production processes of tire cord steel at home and abroad are presented in this paper .