
  1. 其次在对比国内外贸易融资研究成果的基础上,分析X商业银行国际贸易融资现状及存在问题。

    Secondly , in contrast to domestic and international trade finance research based on analysis of the commercial bank financing of international trade situation and problems .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO、外贸易规则的变化以及与国际接轨的需要,我国松香产业的形势正在发生深刻的变化。

    While China joined to WTO , rosin industry of our country is changing deeply accompanying with the regular changing of foreign trade and need of in line with international standards .

  3. 国内外贸易对中国工业经济发展的影响&一项实证的研究

    Impact of Domestic and Foreign Trade on China Industrial Development

  4. 去东莞采购这已经成为众多国内外贸易商家的共识。

    Dongguan to purchase it has become the consensus of many domestic and foreign trade business .

  5. 本文分析在国内外贸易中实行的所有权保留制度。

    The article analyzes the system of Ownership Reservation , which widely applies to internal and external trade .

  6. 本公司是集设计、生产、国内外贸易销售为一体的富有生命力的企业。

    The Company is a design , production , domestic and foreign trade sales enterprise full of vitality .

  7. 公司真诚的欢迎国内外贸易伙伴来参观、考察,咨询及来图来样加工。

    The company sincerely welcome domestic and foreign trading partners to visit , study , consultation and to map sample processing .

  8. 希望公司能设在香港,同时做国内外贸易。

    Hope the company can be set up in Hong Kong , does domestic and international trade at the same time .

  9. 港口是多种运输方式的结合点,沿海港口通常是沟通国内外贸易的枢纽。

    Port is a combination of various modes of transport , and the coastal port is a hub for both domestic and foreign trade .

  10. 中国国际电子商务中心是国家商务部直属事业单位,主营业务是为方便国内外贸易而建立电子商务平台。

    China international electrical center ( CIEC ) belong to commerce ministry which set up a electrical business wet to domestic and overseas trade .

  11. 外观品质是鲜莲国内外贸易主要的质量指标,目前尚未有国家和国际标准。

    Appearance quality is a main quality index in the domestic and overseas fresh lotus-seed trade , which hasn 't national and international standards presently .

  12. 我们热切希望与国内外贸易伙伴诚信合作,共同为宠物营造一片美好舒适的生活天地!

    We earnestly hope to cooperate with trade partners from home and abroad to create a nice and cozy world for our pets hand in hand .

  13. 促进和管理国内外贸易的联邦政府部门(包括人口普查和商务部专利局);创建于1913年。

    The federal department that promotes and administers domestic and foreign trade ( including management of the census and the patent office ); created in 1913 .

  14. 在这一发展时期,经济的增长、资金的筹集与流动、国内外贸易的发展、资本市场的建立,都涉及到了金融工具的设计、控制与运行的有效性。

    During this period , economic growing capital financing foreign-trade developing and capital market setting-up , all involved the efficiency of finance instrument designing controlling and running .

  15. 94年时,所在的万载县外贸易总公司获得进出口权,我受公司指派负责组建出口业务部。

    In 1994 , Wanzai foreign trade company was approved to import and export goods by itself and I was appointed to set up and develop Business Department .

  16. 唐代经济繁荣,工商业尤其发达,国内外贸易交流频繁,药材贸易也不例外。

    Economic prosperity in the Tang Dynasty , developed industry and commerce in particular , frequent exchanges between domestic and foreign trade , the medicinal trade is no exception .

  17. 深化改革,在推进内外贸一体化进程方面取得明显进展,更好地实现国内外贸易的相互补充和相互促进;

    To deepen the reform and make remarkable progress in integrating domestic and foreign trade so as to have domestic and foreign trade better complement and support one another .

  18. 港口作为国内外贸易的最佳结合点、全球供应链的枢纽和节点,在现代物流系统中占有极为重要的地位。

    As the combination points of domestic and foreign trade , ports are hubs and nodes in global supply chain which play an extremely important role in the modern logistics system .

  19. 以目前中国技术标准的竞争力,远不能满足国内外贸易发展的需要,这必将使我国的一些产业受到冲击。

    The competitiveness of technical standard now is far unable to meet the needs of domestic and international trade , which is bound to affect some industries of our country negatively .

  20. 国有企业的改革已到了攻坚阶段,然而,新疆区属专业外贸易公司的亏损状况不但没有缓解,反而更加严重。

    The reform of State - ~ owned enterprises has entered into a critical stage . But the status of Xinjiang foreign trade companies is not relaxed , instead , it ?

  21. 最常用的保险计划为综合保障保单,为放帐期不超过180天的出口、转口及港外贸易提供保障。

    The comprehensive cover policy , which covers the payment for export , re-export and external trade of goods for credit terms up to180 days , is the most widely used insurance scheme .

  22. 2016年,德国对非欧盟国家的出口量实际减少了0.2%,德国作为欧洲最大出口国的地位得到了欧盟外贸易的支撑,尤其是与中国的贸易。

    Germany 's exports to non-EU countries actually decreased by 0.2 percent in 2016 , Germany 's standing as Europe 's largest exporter has been bolstered by trade outside the European Union , with China .

  23. 随着中国国内外贸易的不断开放,投、融资环境的健康、有序发展,专门从事农业生产活动的企业逐年增加。

    With the gradually opening of the trade both at home and abroad along with the healthy environment of investment and financing as well as order development , the enterprises which are specialized in agricultural manufacture activity are increasing year by year .

  24. 第2章综述了国内外国际贸易与金融发展的相关文献。

    Chapter 2 summarizes the related literature of international trade and financial development .

  25. 采取全球集体行动促进世贸组织谈判框架外的贸易。

    Engaging in global collective action to promote trade outside the negotiating framework of the WTO .

  26. 仲裁是解决国内外经济贸易争端的有效方式。

    Arbitration is an effective way to solve the dispute in both foreign and domestic economic trade .

  27. 随着中国的成外出口贸易大国,中国与西方的贸易往来也越发的频繁。

    As china 's exports , a leading trader , china 's trade with the West has become increasingly frequent .

  28. 该报告同时指出,国内外的贸易环境和宏观调控政策是贸易额快速增长的原因之一。

    The domestic and foreign trade environment and the macro-control policy have contributed to the rapid increase , the report said .

  29. 第三,美国应该认真考虑将一些国家包括在内、同时将其他国家排除在外的贸易协定带来的后果。

    Next , there should be careful consideration of the ramifications of trade deals that include some countries but exclude others .

  30. 了解国内外关于贸易的各种法律限制对你是很重要的。

    It is essential that you know and understand the legal implications and boundaries of trade in your own country and abroad .