
  • 网络Foreign Museums
  1. 土耳其对外国博物馆采取强硬态度,并发动一场新的文化战争

    Turkey gets tough with foreign museums and launches a new culture war

  2. 宣布这种所有权的国家大多曾因外国博物馆和收藏者对其古董的猎取而受过掠夺。

    Most countries declaring such ownership have been exploited in the past by the demand for their antiquities by foreign museums and collectors .

  3. 各国政府通常赞成归还文物和艺术品以保护本国文化,防止外国博物馆和收藏者的侵占。

    Governments typically argue for the repatriation of artifacts and works of art to protect their culture and prevent exploitation by foreign museums and collectors .

  4. 之后,综合上述各项影响因素,对金融博物馆一般性的设立影响因素进行了分析。第三部分:外国主要金融博物馆介绍。

    After the comprehensive impact of the above factors , the establishment of the financial impact of the museum general factors were analyzed . Part ⅲ: Introduction of foreign major financial Museum .

  5. 这种市场逻辑将会导致最上乘的文物落入外国收藏家和外国博物馆之手。

    The logic of the market would pull the choicest objects into foreign collections and foreign museums .