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wài sheng
  • nephew;sister's son;grandson
外甥 [wài shēng]
  • (1) [nephew;sister's son]∶姐妹的儿子

  • (2) [grandson][方]∶外孙

外甥[wài sheng]
  1. 他是州长的外甥。

    He is a nephew of the governor .

  2. 《哈利•波特》的作者J•K•罗琳最终曝出了为什么弗农姨夫如此讨厌这个外甥。

    Harry Potter author JK Rowling has finally revealed why Uncle Vernon hated his nephew so much 。

  3. 这个新的亲戚群族手头宽裕,而且随时愿意用爱和价格不菲的礼物宠溺他们的外甥或侄子女。

    This new breed of relative is well-off and always on hand to smother nephews and nieces with love and very expensive gifts .

  4. 她的三个外甥女出生时她都在现场,而且她承认她对她们及其溺爱。社会学家们用这个缩写词来反映目前无子女的职业女性人数不断上升这一现象,她们有足够的可支配收入和时间跟孩子们一起相处。

    She was present at the births of all her three nieces and admits she spoils them rotten . Sociologists coined the acronym to reflect the growing number of childless professional women who have plenty of disposable income and time to spend with youngsters .

  5. 第二天,我遵守我的诺言没有向任何人提起这颗头的事,不过我还是将我夜半遇猫的经历告诉了弟妹和外甥女,毕竟这没有那颗飘浮的人头那么恐怖。

    The next day , I kept my promise to him about telling the others about the head , but I mentioned seeing the cat to my sister in law and my nieces as a cat isn 't as scary as a floating head .

  6. 《哈利波特》的作者JK罗琳最终曝出了为什么弗农姨夫如此讨厌这个外甥。

    Harry Potter author JK Rowling has finally revealed why Uncle Vernon hated his nephew so much .

  7. 他名叫Christoph,是我的外甥。

    His name is Christoph , and he is my nephew .

  8. 在事业发展的同时,他还和出身政治世家的玛利亚谢里弗结了婚,并在2003年成为加州州长。玛利亚谢里弗是美国前总统约翰F肯尼迪的外甥女。

    Along the way he also married into a political dynasty , wedding Maria Shriver , a niece of former president John F. Kennedy , before becoming California governor in 2003 , a post he relinquished in January .

  9. 如果说查尔斯达尔文(charlesdarwin)是现代生物学之父,那么现代智力测试之父就是他的外甥弗朗西斯高尔顿(francisgalton)统计学家、博学家和优生学的奠基人。

    If Charles Darwin is the father of modern biology , then the father of modern intelligence testing is his cousin , Francis Galton statistician , polymath and founder of eugenics .

  10. 我已经计划好,要与师傅的外甥,司机兼导游曼克·杰(MankJay),结伴游览岛上的神庙与其他景点,于是我早早拜访,见到了威迪一家,一个拥有着传统家族结构的大家庭。

    I had planned a tour of island temples and other attractions with Mank Jay , a driver and guide who was Mangku 's nephew , so I stopped by early and met Widi 's family , who lived in a traditionally structured family compound .

  11. 我不是他的女儿,我是他的外甥女。

    I am not his daughter , I am his niece .

  12. 他是我的赞助人凯萨琳夫人的外甥

    He 's a nephew of my patroness , Lady Catherine .

  13. 你的外甥刚对她姐姐做了蠢事。

    Your nephew has acted like a lout with her sister .

  14. 一个舅舅送给他的外甥一个口琴。

    An uncle gave his nephew a harmonica as a gift .

  15. 成为我外甥杰克的好父亲

    Being a great father to my nephew , Jack .

  16. 我妹妹的女儿,即我的外甥女。

    My sister 's daughter , who is my niece .

  17. 我的外甥到底有没有向你求婚?

    Has my nephew made you an offer of marriage ?

  18. 实不相瞒,那个天使是我的小外甥。

    To tell the truth , the angel is my little nephew .

  19. 我的外甥可以穿它去参加幼儿园的结业典礼。

    My nephew can wear it to his kindergarten graduation .

  20. 你那可怕的小外甥,我都忘了他了。

    Joe , your terrible nephew , I 'd forgotten about him .

  21. 我姐和外甥女要来

    My sister 's coming into town with my niece .

  22. 过了些日子,舅舅问外甥喜不喜欢送他的口琴。

    Few days later , uncle asked nephew if he like it .

  23. 詹姆斯麦吉尔布坎南现在在世的亲人还有他的两个姐姐和三个外甥。

    James McGill Buchanan is survived by two sisters and three nephews .

  24. 我的外甥是一名棒球运动员。他是一名接球员。

    My nephew is a baseball player . he is a catcher .

  25. 我的小外甥一天到晚都黏著他妈妈。

    My little nephew sticks to his mom twenty-four seven .

  26. 多了个假弟弟实际上是我亲外甥

    to have a fake little brother who 's really my nephew .

  27. 我的小外甥洗完澡在房子了光着身子到处跑。

    My little nephew ran naked through the house after his bath .

  28. 我向你道喜,亲爱的外甥女。

    I give you joy , my dear niece .

  29. 我们的一个外甥女,还刚刚从上海来看我们。

    We also had a visit from our niece from Shanghai , China .

  30. 卡布利特夫人冲到她外甥的尸体旁。

    Lady Capulet hurried over to her dead nephew .