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nǚ xu
  • son-in-law;husband
女婿 [nǚ xù]
  • (1) [son-in-law]∶女儿的丈夫

  • (2) [husband] [口]∶丈夫

  • 她怎么嫁了这么个女婿

女婿[nǚ xu]
  1. 他已查明,他女婿在活着的囚犯之中。

    He had ascertained that his son-in-law was among the living prisoners .

  2. 象形文字“国王的儿子”还可译为“女婿”或“祖父”。

    The hieroglyph for " king 's son " can be translated as " son-in-law " or " grandfather " .

  3. 我去看望我的女儿和女婿。

    I visited my daughter and her husband .

  4. 屋子里只有我和他的女婿在,其他人都在自己各自的房间内等候我的通知,谁也没有睡觉。

    Only myself and John 's son-in-law were in the house . The rest of the family kept their vigil at their own houses , waiting for my call .

  5. 在某些方面,离婚派对跟结婚派对差不多,来宾也大吃大喝。不同的是,在婚礼上,父亲拉着女儿的手,将女儿交给新郎。在离婚派对上,父亲从女婿手中,把女儿接回去。

    Divorce party is similar to wedding party in some way , with guests indulging in extravagant , but on a divorce party the father take his daughter back from the son-in-law .

  6. 第十二条丧偶儿媳对公、婆,丧偶女婿对岳父、岳母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序继承人。

    Article 12 Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall , in relationship to their parents-in-law , be regarded as successors first in order .

  7. 我的小天使和我女婿Ted干杯现在让我们为

    to my little angel and my new son-in-law , Ted . At this time I 'd like to make a toast

  8. Maria今天早上打电话说:“我爸爸他挺喜欢你这个女婿的。”

    Maria called this morning and said : " My father told me he 'd like you for a son-in-law right now . "

  9. 今年我们的感恩节餐桌上将会多出一个位置&我的女婿,我感谢Henry。

    ( Applause . ) And this year we 're looking forward to having another place at our Thanksgiving table with a son-in-law , and I 'm thankful for Henry .

  10. 他没有给他的女婿摩纳哥的Rainier王子留任何东西,因为

    He left nothing to his son in law , Prince Rainier of Monaco , stating

  11. 萨万娜·波特的母亲、55岁的凯瑟琳·希尔(KathrynHill)说,她尽力不对女儿和女婿施加压力。

    Kathryn Hill , 55 , Savannah Porter 's mother and a hospice nurse in Canon City , Colo. , says she takes pains not to pressure her daughter and son-in-law .

  12. 那2亿美元利润大多分配给了Fairfield的21位合伙人,包括诺埃尔的4个女婿。

    That profit of $ 200m was mostly distributed to Fairfield 's 21 partners , including four of Mr Noel 's sons-in-law .

  13. 婆媳关系,女婿和岳母的关系长久以来一直挑战作家和喜剧演员,在VideoJug的帮助和顾问HillieMarshall的建议下,你可以解决这个问题。

    This relationship has traditionally challenged writers and comedians , so here is a simple guide to tackling it , with VideoJug 's help and advice from counsellor Hillie Marshall .

  14. 拉贾斯坦邦官员表示,他们正在调查瓦德拉的投资有没有违反法律,比如是否超出了土地购买上限。瓦德拉是印度国大党主席索尼娅・甘地(SoniaGandhi)的女婿,也是目前正在国大党竞选活动中担任领袖的拉胡尔・甘地(RahulGandhi)的妹夫。

    State officials say they are investigating whether there were any legal violations , such as exceeding land-purchase limits , in the investments by Mr. Vadra , who is the son-in-law of Congress party President Sonia Gandhi and brother-in-law of Rahul Gandhi , the leader of Congress 's campaign in elections now under way .

  15. 当你的女儿出嫁的时候,你不是失去了一个女儿,而是多了一个儿子,所以,在VideoJug的帮助下学习怎样更好地维系这种关系。HillieMarshall提出的建议将帮助你和女婿维持良好的关系。

    When your daughter marries , you are not so much losing her as gaining a son , so learn how to make this relationship better and stronger with VideoJug 's help . Using advice from Hillie Marshall , here are some great tips on how to have a great relationship with your son-in-law .

  16. 也许我可以做您的女婿。

    Perhaps I might serve as the husband of your daughter .

  17. 你好,约翰。你过得怎样了,新女婿?

    Hi , John , How are new son in law ?

  18. 一方面,我现在有了一个女婿。

    On one hand , I 'm inheriting a new son-in-law .

  19. 国王:你们都留下来做我的女婿吧!

    King : how about staying here to be my son-in-law ?

  20. 索姆斯的女婿迈克尔·蒙特是出版商。

    Michael Mont , Soames ' son-in-law , was a publisher .

  21. 因为他是大司祭的女婿。

    For he was son in law of the high priest .

  22. 那对夫妻邀请女儿和女婿过来过感恩节。

    The couple invited their daughter and son-in-law over for Thanksgiving .

  23. 我到这里是来探望女儿和女婿的。

    I am coming here to visit my daughter and son-in-law .

  24. 这种青年做不得女婿。

    Such a young man would never do as a son-in-law .

  25. 他不会是个坏女婿,是吗?

    He wouldn 't be a bad son-in-law , would he ?

  26. 我小女儿的先生是我最喜欢的女婿。

    My youngest daughter 's husband is my favorite son-in-law .

  27. 她父亲不会接受卡巴顿为女婿。

    Her father would never accept Cal as a son-in-low .

  28. 他将是你的女婿,可你一点也不了解他。

    He 'll be your son-in-law , and you hardly know him .

  29. 他将是一位好女婿及好爸爸。

    He will make a fine son-in-law and great father .

  30. 我要是连女婿都叫不动。

    If I can 't even get my son-in-law to do this .