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jiù mā
  • aunt;wife of mother's brother
舅妈 [jiù mā]
  • [aunt] 母亲兄弟的妻子

舅妈[jiù mā]
  1. 伊迪丝舅妈听到芬打来的电话,便大声地叫在谷仓干活的霍默舅舅来听。

    Fern phoned and got her Aunt Edith , and her Aunt Edith hollered for Uncle Homer , and Uncle Homer came in from the barn and talked to Fern .

  2. 那个是雷克斯,它跟随着舅舅和舅妈。

    That 's Rex with Uncle Bob and Aunt Patricia .

  3. 我和我舅舅、舅妈、弟弟生活在一起。

    I live together with my uncle , aunt and my cousin .

  4. 我去不去萨拉舅妈那儿呢?

    Am I going to Aunt Sara 's or not ?

  5. 你的舅妈会照顾你的。

    Your aunt karen 's going to take good care of you .

  6. 舅妈无论什么时候来看望我们,都坚持要帮我们干家务活。

    My aunt insists on Heling us do housework whenever she visits us .

  7. 你的舅妈!你告诉我你没有亲戚的!

    ' Your aunt ! You told me you had no relations ! '

  8. 我与我舅妈在一起,先生,她去世了。

    I have been with my aunt , sir , who is dead .

  9. 本着惊人的精力和决心,舅妈很好地将传统与现代结合了起来。

    With incredible energy and determination , she embodies both tradition and modernity .

  10. 昨天下午我妈妈向舅妈要了一只可爱的小猫。

    Yesterday afternoon , my mother got a little cat from my aunt .

  11. 只要我活着,我不会再叫你舅妈。

    I will never call you aunt again as long as I live .

  12. 嗨,我是你阿姨!婶婶,舅妈,阿姨

    Hi , I am your aunt ! aunt

  13. 我的舅妈在50年代参观过洛杉矶。

    My aunt visited Los Angeles in the1950s .

  14. 亲爱的舅妈,你好吗?

    How are you , dear aunt ?

  15. 因为我的舅舅和舅妈就是在那个时候恋爱的。

    Because my aunt and uncle fell in love with each other at that time .

  16. 舅妈帕特丽夏是他的妻子。

    Aunt Patricia is his wife .

  17. 我告知她她可能会去和昂特舅舅和艾琳舅妈去住。

    I told her that she 'd probably live with her Uncle Ant and Aunt Ilene .

  18. 我感到自己无法拒绝去看望舅妈,也许这是最后一面了。

    I felt I could not refuse to see my aunt , perhaps for the last time .

  19. 可是约翰。里德把我打倒了,而舅妈又把我关在红房子里。

    But John Reed knocked me down , and my aunt shut me up in the red-room .

  20. 舅妈说,我们应该把握住这些机会来实现自己的目标。

    And my aunt told me that we should reach our goals by grasping all these opportunities .

  21. 先生,我一直照顾舅妈,她刚去世。

    ' I 've been looking after my aunt , sir , who 's just died . '

  22. 给我最多鼓励的老师,碰巧是我的舅妈。

    The teacher who did the most to encourage me was , as it happens , my aunt .

  23. 礼拜天到了,我拒绝去做礼拜,克拉克舅舅和乔迪舅妈都十分惊讶。

    Sunday came and I refused to go to church and uncle Clark and Aunt Jody were astonished .

  24. 爱德蒙和露茜原来根本不想来哈罗德舅舅和艾贝塔舅妈家住。

    Edmund and Lucy did not at all want to come and stay with Uncle Harold and Aunt Alberta .

  25. 我们访问了舅妈家的旧房子,那是一个象小巷一样伸到远处的很长的房子。

    The old house where we visited my aunt 's family was a very long-stretched house in the small lane .

  26. 伊丽莎白对舅妈的这种建议极为感激,她觉得简肯定会乐意去的。

    Elizabeth was extremely grateful to her aunt for this kind suggestion , and felt sure Jane would gladly agree .

  27. 权称她的儿子正计划在5月2日前往辽宁大连去看他的舅妈。

    Quan said her son was planning to visit Dalian , Liaoning Province , to see an aunt on May 2 .

  28. 我曾发誓不再叫她舅妈,但是打破了誓言我并不后悔。

    I had sworn never to call her aunt again , but I did not regret breaking that promise to myself .

  29. 大家族产生了叔伯姨丈、姑姨舅妈、堂表兄弟姐妹的巨大关系网,这些人可以提供建议、指导、广开门路。

    Large families create a large network of uncles , aunts and cousins who can offer advice and mentorship and create connections .

  30. 我很庆幸你不是我亲戚,今生今世我再也不会叫你舅妈了。

    I am glad you are no relation of mine : I will never call you aunt again so long as I live .