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jiā mǔ
  • my mother
家母 [jiā mǔ]
  • [my mother] 对人谦称自己的母亲

  1. 家母也欢迎你来。

    My mother will be glad to see you , too .

  2. 很好,谢谢。比尔,这位是家母法瑞斯太太。

    PAUL Fine , thanks . Bill , this is my mother .

  3. Hotels.com和Expedia属于同一家母公司,据思博特称,前者也使用了同样的计算机系统。

    COM , owned by the same parent as Expedia , has the same computer system , according to Siebert .

  4. 不过据报道,由于Hulu的几家母公司对Hulu未来的商业模式存在分歧,因此Hulu目前正谋求出售,目前这家网站前途未卜。

    Recently , Hulu has reportedly put itself up for sale as the large media companies that own it clash over how its business should work , and its not clear what the future holds for the site .

  5. 家母病得很重,得有人看着。

    Mother is seriously ill and needs someone to look after her .

  6. 家母近些日子一直患脚气病。

    My mother has been suffered from beriberi for the past few days .

  7. 家母的钱和文件都在郡主那里。

    Princess sorokina came with the money and the documents from my mother .

  8. 菲奥纳:那是家母的专长。

    Fiona : They 're my mother 's specialty .

  9. 他的相貌很像你们家母系这一方。

    He takes after your mother 's side of the family in looks .

  10. 家母“常”和我谈起你。

    My mother often spoke to me about you .

  11. 这位是家母邦妮。

    This is my mom , Bunny .

  12. 海伦:他们两人都退休了,但家母饲狗作消遣。

    Helen : Well they 're both retired but my mom breeds dogs as a pastime .

  13. 那人问原因,家母说原因她当然有。

    He wanted to know her reasons , and she said she had reasons of her own .

  14. 因此家母就给我穿上最好看的衣服,并且告诉我要做个好孩子。

    So my mother put my best clothes on me and told me to be a good boy .

  15. 家母去世时,你给予了极大的关怀,我的感激是无法用语言表达的。

    Your kindness at the time of my mother 's death meant more than I can express in words .

  16. 家母于是得放弃一分非常难得的工作。

    However , the man thought otherwise , and my mother had to give up a much cherished job .

  17. 基于这个原因,我想藉此机会汇报家母的最新健康情况。

    For this reason this week I want to take this opportunity to give you an'update'on my mum 's health .

  18. 您说您希望获得家母的好感,我可以向您保证,她对您的好感已经是非同寻常了。

    You say you desire my mother 's good opinion ; I assure you it is already yours to a very unusual extent .

  19. 在国际合资企业中,当母公司间发生分歧时,其中一家母公司会利用特权,例如所有权优势,来制定方案。

    In IJVs , one of the parent firms could use their power such as ownership advantage in decision-making when disagreements between parents occur .

  20. “非常反对,所以男爵夫人很少到我们家来,而家母,我想,她一辈子就没有去拜访过腾格拉尔夫人两次以上。”

    " So much so that the Baroness very rarely comes to the house , and my mother , has not , I think , visited Madame Danglars twice in her whole life . "

  21. 但晚上回来后,只见宝玉唉声叹气,一问才知毛氅烧了一个洞,幸好天黑,家母和太太们都没有看到。

    That evening , he returned with a sad look : the cloak had a hold burnt in it . Fortunately it was evening and the grandmother and the ladies in the house failed to notice .