首页 / 词典 / good


  1. MSN与雅虎两者都曾想购买AOL的全部或部分股份,这是一家媒体巨人华纳士旗下的大型但是有点小问题的网络接入公司。

    MSN and Yahoo ! both wanted to buy some or all of AOL , a big , troubled internet-access company owned by TimeWarner , a media conglomerate .

  2. 最近Iggy贴出了她小时候和母亲和妹妹Emerald的合照,照片里他们一家还在澳大利亚新南威尔士州。

    In new childhood snaps , a cute little Iggy is seen posing with her mother and younger sister Emerald in their Mullumbimby home in northern New South Wales .

  3. 我对集体有了一种不同的感觉,它仍旧感觉像一个家,但是瑜伽士们获取了灵性知识,进而更加有深度了,集体不再像一个婴儿。

    There was a different feel to the collective , it still felt like a family but with the yogi 's and yogini 's gaining spiritual knowledge and depth , the collective no longer felt like a baby .