首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 什么都比家里的紧张气氛好。

    Anything was preferable to the tense atmosphere at home .

  2. 孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽绰了。

    Now that the kids have left home we 've got a lot of extra space .

  3. 科恩星期天一整天都在家无所事事。

    On Sunday Cohen lay around the house all day .

  4. 面包、油酥点心和蛋黄酱都是家里做的。

    The bread , pastry and mayonnaise are home-made

  5. “他整个星期都在家吗?”——“我想是这样的。”

    ' Had he been home all week ? ' — ' I presume so . '

  6. 六月份,47%的消费者告诉市场调研公司NPD集团称,疫情期间他们一天中的大部分时间都在家穿着同样的衣服;近四分之一的人表示,他们喜欢从早到晚地穿运动服、睡衣裤或家居服。

    In June , 47 % of consumers told market research firm NPD they are wearing the same clothes throughout most of their day while at home during the pandemic , and nearly a quarter said they liked wearing activewear , sleepwear , or loungewear most of the day .

  7. 全部修缮都在家里进行,不用送到外面去做。

    All repairs are done on the premises and not put out .

  8. Suja联合创始人劳雷斯向来都在家里自制果汁,因为她患有乳麋泻。

    Ms. Lawless , the Suja co-founder , has long made juice at home because she has celiac disease .

  9. 他们都是家里缺少不得的人手。

    They were all men who were indispensable about a house .

  10. 我还以为所有的女士都在家。

    I understood that all the ladies were at home . '

  11. 那是不可能的!我昨晚都在家。

    That 's impossible ! I was at home last night .

  12. 父母都在家陪着当然是好事了,

    The kids would certainly benefit from having two stay-at-home parents ,

  13. 但是我还是安慰自己,至少现在我们都在家里。

    I would comfort myself : At least we are home .

  14. 无论远近,人们都往家里赶。

    People will rush back home from near and far .

  15. 晚上大半他都在家。

    More often than not he 's at home in the evening .

  16. 苏珊和我都是家里的独生女儿。

    Susan and I were the children of our families .

  17. 你养在办公室的植物都比家?养的健康。

    Plants in your cube are healthier than your plants at home .

  18. 如果那时她和她的儿子都在家

    If she and her little boy had been home

  19. 我随时都在家,因为我不酷。

    I 'm always home . I 'm uncool .

  20. “我一般晚上都在家。”他说。

    ' I am usually at home in the evenings , 'he said .

  21. 很多人都是家里唯一的收入来源。

    Many were the sole breadwinners in their families .

  22. 如果人们都在家上班,就没办法抄袭别人了。

    If people work at home , there is no one to copy .

  23. 我顺便拜访他们的时候,他们都在家里。

    They were at home when I stopped by .

  24. 所有录音都在家中完成。

    All demos were recorded in our living room .

  25. 整个周末我们都在家里闲呆着。

    We just mucked around at home all weekend .

  26. 他整天都在家里。

    He 's been at home all day .

  27. 我觉得我们不是一直都在家里吹自己是最牛逼的么?

    I thought we were always bragging about being the home of the brave ?

  28. 由于有人警告她有盗匪,她把贵重物品都留在家里。

    Having been warned about the bandits , she left her valuables at home .

  29. 我晚上几乎都在家,几乎不外出。

    I am nearly at home in evening , I hardly ever go out .

  30. 他每隔一个星期都给家里写信。

    He writes back home every other week .