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  1. 他会把这的线都重新布过。

    He 's gonna rewire the whole place for me .

  2. 我的全名是雷奇纳客.布奇华,但是大家都叫我布客。

    My name is Reginald Buchwald but everybody call me Buck .

  3. 你每天都织这块布吗?

    Will you work upon this web every day ?

  4. 你们会发现各种各样背景极不相同的传道人都推荐司布真的作品。

    Amazing the variety of preachers you find who will recommend the works of Charles Spurgeon .

  5. 如果其他人都穿卡其布装和凉鞋,你最好不要穿商务套装。

    Don 't sweat it out in business suits and shoes if everyone else is wearing khaki and sandals .

  6. 叫我布客就可以了。我的全名是雷奇纳客·布奇华,但是家都叫我布客。这样比较方便。

    Call me Buck , will you ? My name is Reginald Buchwald but everybody calls me Buck . It 's easier .

  7. 冠军之行的拉美之旅周日在阿根廷画上了句号,那里的球迷都聚在布依诺斯艾利丝一起看了曼彻斯特德比。

    The Champions Trophy Tour of Latin America ended on Sunday in Argentina , where fans gathered to watch the Manchester derby in Buenos Aires .

  8. 我都会坦诚布公。同时,我也想借此机会给你们留下这样一个印记:软实力交流的重要性以及它同我们每个人的相关程度。

    And I also want to press upon all of you here today the importance of that soft culture , that soft power exchange and how each of us is involved in that exchange .

  9. 他们都很喜爱这块布,可是不知道拿来做什么好。

    They both loved the fabric , but couldn 't find a use for it .

  10. 在这些兵马俑的脖子上都有一小块布。

    Around each of these statues'necks was a small piece of cloth .

  11. 他个人职业生涯中的目标与动机都非常开诚布公地告诉了我们。

    He was very open about his motivation about his goals in life with his career .

  12. 以前认为室内摆放鲜花有害健康,所以放的都是玻璃或布质的假花。

    It was considered unhealthy . They had glass or cloth flowers , and they ask all the time .

  13. 一种房屋装置,由两面都附有纸或布的木框组成。

    A type of house fitting consisting of a wooden frame covered on both sides with paper or cloth .

  14. 纸箱内都衬有塑料布,是防水的,而且由于箱子是硬纸板的,所以在搬运的时候就会小心处理。

    The cartons lined with plastic sheets are waterproof , and as the boxes are made of cardboard , they will be handled with care .

  15. 试验发现,非预应力加固梁破坏形式为碳纤维布剥离破坏和受压区混凝土压碎破坏,而预应力加固梁都是碳纤维布拉断破坏;

    The non-prestressed beams failed by separation of the plate from the beam or concrete crush , while all of the prestressed beams failed by plate fracture .

  16. 所有的地方,在大厅和走廊里,都铺上了布,使得脚步声不至於响起来,所以这儿现在是很静寂,非常地静寂。

    Cloth had been laid down on the halls and passages , so that not a footstep should be heard , and all was silent and still .

  17. 四个猫头鹰都簇拥在这个布猫头鹰翅膀下。这个毛绒玩具还是令两个被放入小动物围养栏的孤儿动物的母亲。

    The quartet all cuddle under the wings of the stuffed toy , which has been mother to another two orphans who have since been moved on to an outside pen .

  18. 邻居都是职员,大部分人每天都从布郎利车站乘车到伦敦上班。

    The neighbours were professional people , most of whom daily commuted to London from Bromley station .

  19. 主持人:这件夹克穿起来、看起来都像是一件普通的户外外套,而且控制按钮,甚至电线都是布纤维做的。

    THE HOSTESS : The jacket feels and looks like a normal outdoor coat and the control buttons and even the cables are made of fabric .