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  1. 城市中有街亭、市亭、都亭、旗亭等。

    There were street pavilion , city pavilion , capital pavilion , flag pavilions and so on .

  2. 地域大小、道里远近和人口疏密等都与亭的多少不无关系。

    The number of pavilion is subject to the size of the area , the distance of the way , and the density of the population .

  3. 每天都在电话亭里给你打电话吗?

    Call you every day from a phone booth ?

  4. 你一直都在电话亭换衣服的?

    Do you always change in a phone booth ?

  5. 约书亚清早起来,和以色列众人都离开什亭,来到约旦河,就住在那里,等候过河。

    Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan , where they camped before crossing over .

  6. 在所有车站里都有食品售货亭。

    At all stations there are refreshment kiosks .