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  • 网络HSU'S;Heo;Schuller
  1. 方法通过对头颅特殊体位如许氏位、梅氏位采用简法体位设计图像效果的分析及讨论,指出在常规x线摄影中一些特殊体位的获取简单方法。

    Methods By analysis and discussing the imaging effect of postural design about the head special position , such as schuller 's position and mayer 's position , we find out the simple way of x ray general checking in special position .

  2. 用许氏R值评分方法估计了爆发型地震预报强震(Ms≥6.0)的效能为0.66。

    The efficiency of using burst . event to predict strong shocks ( M > 6 ) is 0.66 as estimated by Xu 's R-value mark method .

  3. 摄食促进物质对许氏平鲉摄食和生长的影响

    Effects of feeding stimulants on feed intake and growth of Sebastes schlegeli

  4. 许氏平鲉消化道的组织化学研究

    A Study of the Histochemistry on the Digestive Tract of the Sebastes schlegeli

  5. 许氏平鲉幼鱼的赖氨酸需求量

    Quantitative dietary lysine requirement for juvenile Sebastes schlegeli

  6. 主打歌『半斤八两』是许氏兄弟的第三部电影《半斤八两》主题曲。

    Title song is the theme song for the Hui brother 's third film the private eyes .

  7. 而在15℃和20℃水体中,花鲈和许氏平鲉由各自的最大巡航游泳速度差异不显著。

    The MSSS of Lateolabrax maculates and Sebastes schlegeli at20 ℃ were not significantly different from those at15 ℃ .

  8. 而游泳能力较差的岩礁性许氏平鲉在运输胁迫后血糖水平恢复迅速,表现出对运输胁迫较强的耐受性。

    Sebastes schlegeli with lower swimming capability shows a good tolerance to transportation stress , the level of the fish recovers quickly after the same transportation .

  9. 本文对许氏小说翻译的策略与风格做一探究,以弥补此一空白或研究的薄弱。

    The paper probes into the novel translation strategy and style of Xu , so as to fill in the vacancy in the study of this field .

  10. 另外,随水体盐度的变化,许氏平鳅鳃中氯细胞的形态结构明显改变,肾脏的组织结构也出现适应性变化。

    Accompanying the changes of the salinity , the structure of chloride cell in the fish gill alters remarkably and the kidney shows good adaptability to the salinity changes .

  11. 在高盐胁迫下,许氏平细鳃中氯细胞的微细小管系统发达、密集,线粒体数量增多,与相邻细胞的间隙较大。

    Under the high salinity stress , tubule system in the chloride cell in the fish gill is developed , the number of mitochondria is increased and cell clearance is enhanced .

  12. 许氏理论突破了长久以来以信为纲的中国传统翻译思想,而是针对文学翻译的特色提出了求美的艺术追求。

    Xu 's translation theory breaks forth Chinese translation tradition based on " faithfulness " and brings forward a new artistic pursuit of " beauty " according to the characteristics of literature translation .

  13. 结果表明:水槽中无模型礁的条件下,标志区(模型礁设置区)的许氏平鲉聚集率为0,许氏平鲉选择光线较弱区域栖息;

    The results showed that the juvenile distribution ratio of zero was found in the marked region ( the region where the reef model put in ) when there was no reef model .

  14. 在广播电视发展初期,许氏兄弟的名气迅速攀升,他们留下了许多令打工阶层深感共鸣的喜剧港片。

    As their popularity snowballed from the early days of television broadcast , the iconic Hui Brothers team left behind a trail of vernacular comedy movies that struck a resounding chord with working class audiences .

  15. 方差分析结果表明:5种模型礁对许氏平鲉的诱集作用无明显差异,许氏平鲉对不同模型礁均表现出明显的趋集反应。

    Variance analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the attractive effect of the 5 kinds of fish reef models , and the fish had obvious gather-taxis reaction to the fish reef model of different structure .

  16. 许氏平鲉在游泳实验结束后的血糖、血乳酸、肌肉乳酸值都明显升高(P<0.05),肌糖元无明显变化。

    In Sebastes schlegeli , significantly higher concentrations of plasma glucose , plasma lactic acid and muscle lactic acid than those of the control groups were found ( P < 0.05 ), with no significant variance in muscle glycogen found .