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  • 网络Xu Mu;Heo Mok
  1. 最早的杰出爱国女诗人许穆夫人

    Mrs Xu Mu & The Earliest Distinguished Patriotic Woman Poet

  2. 许穆夫人是有史以来最早而杰出的爱国女诗人。

    Mrs Xu Mu is the earliest and distinguished patriotic woman poet in history .

  3. 本文试提出自己的看法,来论证《载驰》的诗作本身反映了许穆夫人回宗国吊唁是事实,而非设想。

    In this paper the author tries to offer her own ideas to argue that that queen Xumu returned to the state Wei for a condolence of her deceased brother is a fact rather than an assumption .