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  1. 他们的使节带着成箱的黄金宝石和200名奴隶,都是授之以七种呻吟之术的性感女孩和光滑皮肤的男孩。

    Their envoy came to us with chests of gold and gems and two hundred slaves , nubile girls and smooth-skinned boys trained in the way of the seven sighs .

  2. 这全套甲胃,尤其是头盔和护胸,都擦得授亮,闪着白色的光辉,把四下的地板照得通明。

    All , and especially the helmet and breastplate , so highly burnished as to glow with white radiance , and scatter an illumination everywhere about upon the floor .

  3. 他的同事、47岁的胡智楷是香港第二年轻的霓虹招牌师傅,但在这里仅存的十来位师傅中,大家都无徒可授。

    His colleague , Wu Chi-kai , 47 , is the second-youngest of the nearly dozen neon sign makers left in the city , and there are no apprentices being trained for the next generation .